Spring 2006 Lovefest

Apr 03, 2006 22:27

So, a couple of days ago, rez_lo made a comment that the very essence of spring was hot, porny fanfic.

Can't argue there. *g* And really, who's better at writing hot, porny fanfic than all of you?

So, she had to twist my rubber arm, but I said "Why don't we have another Lovefest, since the last one was such a huge success?" and so Lovefest 2006 was born. Now, with everything going on in my life, I'm all about the no stress. So here we go!

No sign up. No assignments. Just comment and let me know you're thinking about participating so I know where to direct my nagging cheerleading.

Any fandom. Any characters/pairing.

Any length.

The only requirements?

1) Must be smutty. Take that any way you want - you can tie them up, you can have them swinging off the sex swing, or you can have really smoking UST.

2) The story has to include an event or detail that's directly from the writer's real life AND that detail has to be revealed at the end of the fic. To some extent, we all write what we know - we can't help but include some part of ourselves in our fics. The trick this time is that we have to tell the readers what we've put in the fic that's us (or at least 1 thing that's from our real life).

So what kind of reveal am I talking about? For example, when I wrote Vows, that scene with Sark taking the bobby-pins out of Sydney's hair, happened to me and my hubby on our honeymoon. Other possible reveals could be: If John give Rodney a foot rub in your fic; I have a foot fetish, or that scene where Veronica and Logan have sex and her dad walks in on them happened to me...hopefully you get the picture. The reveal itself wouldn't have to be smutty, just the fic.

More often than not, I find that if I like the stories that a particular persons tells, I usually end up really liking that person as well. As I like to say, I came for the fanfic, I stayed for the friends and I figure this is the best of both worlds. It's fic from friends!

Does that make sense?

The deadline will be May 15th, 2006. That day I'll make a post and everyone that has a fic can post a link in the comments and I'll compile a master list.

Come on, you know you want to participate. Feel free to pimp as well, the more the merrier. I met some wonderful people the last time around, I can't wait to see what happens this year.

lovefest 2006

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