Weight Issues #2 ( or isit 3?)

Jan 16, 2010 11:40

  With school just reopened and me attending Bronze Medallion training, I am very certained that I have lost a kilo or two. Stepped on the weighing machine thursday. HURRAY!! Bless the Buddhas and Buddhasatives for the sight I saw!!!

But after dinner with insaning  last night, I was skeptical about my new weight. I plucked the courage and stepped onto the ( Read more... )

emotional~, rantz

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Comments 2

tywui January 16 2010, 04:07:35 UTC
众生被困厄 无量苦逼身 观音妙智力 能救世间苦
具足神通力 广修智方便 十方诸国土 无刹不现身
妙音观世音 梵音海潮音 胜彼世间音 是故须常念
念念勿生疑 观世音净圣 于苦恼死厄 能为作依怙
具一切功德 慈眼视众生 福聚海无量 是故应顶礼
南無觀世音菩萨, 南無觀世音菩萨, 南無觀世音菩萨!

稽首本然净心地 无尽佛藏大慈尊 南方世界涌香云 香雨花云及花雨
宝雨宝云无数种 为祥为瑞遍庄严 天人问佛是何因 佛言地藏菩萨至
三世如来同赞叹 十方菩萨共归依 我今宿植善因缘 称扬地藏真功德
南無地藏王菩萨, 南無地藏王菩萨, 南無地藏王菩萨!

yay~~~! *waves pompoms*


lunarlev January 17 2010, 02:06:23 UTC
lOl. -waves surf boards-


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