Fic: I Am Whatever You Say I Am (Smallville/Heroes Crossover)

Feb 07, 2007 22:35

I Am Whatever You Say I Am
By Tracy (lunarknightz)
Rating: PG
Catergory: AU Crossovers. There are already spoilers that totally joss this, but I still had to write it, because it was one of those "ideas". ;)
Spoilers: Up to "Distractions", and general S6ish Spoilers for Smallville. Though I'm not sure it's that spoilery.
Disclaimer: My super power is that I own nothing of this I write about! Nifty, huh?
Summary: There is something freeing in an alias.

Truth be told, Lex rather liked the world the way it was. Humankind was at the tip top of the evolutionary ladder. And he was bound and determined to keep it that way.

After his unfortunately short incarceration, Lex had welcomed his father back to Luthor Corp. He had plenty of other projects on his plate to keep busy.

Level 33.1 was designed to monitor and refine those who gained power from meteor rock exposure. A couple of the suspects were iffy as to whether their powers were caused by the meteorites, but Lex let them stay, because they were truly interesting. These people posed a threat, he realized. And what better way to diffuse a threat was there then by utilizing aspects of science?

A couple of years ago, while undergoing dialysis to combat the side effects of poisoned wine, Lex had picked up a copy of the book, “Activating Evolution”. It was a fascinating read, the perfect companion for the time he spent unable to move due to the procedure. Chandra Suresh, the author, had a truly fascinating hypothesis, explaining while more and more people were suddenly possessing great and strange gifts.

Never one to let anything slip through his hands, Lex had spent many of his time and resources studying this project. With an unlimited amount of money and people willing to do almost anything to get some money, Lex found some seemingly reliable people who reported back to him on this sudden mass genesis of superpowers around the world.

He adopted a symbol for this secret section of the company, a symbol that he found side by side the Katawache symbols on his trip to China. He found it over and over again through history- on swords in feudal Japan, Medieval Europe, and scribbled in graffiti in modern day Chicago. He acquired almost everything he found the figure upon. The symbol was to be used to mark those who had been studied and tested for powers, not unlike a tracking ear tag on a grizzly bear.

Now that Lana had moved into the mansion, space was at a premium. He kept his most valuable objects, a series of paintings that had reportedly predicted the future, in his office at Luthor Corp. If only he could see everything that happened---nothing bad would ever happen again.

One lesson Lex had learned from Lionel was the importance of identity. Your identity could be a burden or a curse in business, and a truly masterful man would know how to use his identity for his advantage.

For his non-Luthor Corp work, Lex adapted an alias. People tended to be much more intimidated by you when they couldn’t match the name to a face. He let his people think of his persona what they may- perhaps he had ties to the mob, perhaps he was a crotchety old man with eccentricities. Anything was fine, as long as no one realized the truth. His persona grew, in stature and ability- he could blackmail and manipulate others, while still being virtually untouchable.

The phone in the study of the massive Luthor mansion rang, and Lex paused to read the idea.

Primatech Paper the display read, in letters black against a neon green display.

“Linderman.” Lex answered, loving the power that rushed down his spine whenever he said that name.

(fiction) heroes, (fiction) smallville, (fiction) 2007

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