Gonna Make It All Right, But Not Right Now
by Tracy (
Rating: PG
Category: Gen. Hiro centric with apperances by the Petrellis.
Spoilers: "Distractions"
Disclaimer: My super power is that I own nothing of this I write about! Nifty, huh.
Summary: The story can't end like this. But that doesn't mean that Hiro can change the ending.
“You can’t honestly tell me,” Nathan said, looking out at the ruins of the New York City skyline, “That you want to live in a world like this. It’s hell.”
“Just because I can go visit the past doesn’t mean I can change it.” Hiro said, remembering Charlie’s smile. “This might be the world we’re meant to live in.”
“I can’t believe that.” Nathan said, lifting his hand to his head and wiping a long lock of hair away from his face. He hardly resembled the man he’d been before the city had been obliterated- his careful polished political manner gone; his hair grown out like his late brother’s due to a lack of working scissors, and attention.
“You have to do this Hiro.” Nathan gulped. “I need my family.”
“But what if we change things, and not for the better?”
“It couldn’t get worse.”
Hiro had his doubts.
“He’s wrong.” Peter said, wheeling up behind Hiro. “Don’t do it. Don’t even try. I’m happy with the life I’m leading.”
Hiro turned around and stared at Peter. He could remember a time when the younger Petrelli had died in Texas; but by going back and meddling with the past, Hiro had saved Peter’s life.
But he couldn’t make Peter whole again.
By guiding Peter to be in Odessa, Texas that night, Hiro had placed him in the proximity of Claire Bennett, a teenage cheerleader that could regenerate. Peter had regenerated- enough to survive.
Sylar killed Claire before Peter was able to heal fully. Peter was paralyzed from the waist down, and his face was dominated by a large, angry red scar.
Peter’s disabilities rendered him somewhat useless on missions, but he was quite useful on base- he could read minds, paint prophecies of the future, and turn invisible-remnants of the abilities he’d absorbed from others that died.
Nathan distanced himself from Peter. Though he could no longer remember a world where Peter had died, he couldn’t bring himself to get past the wheelchair. Nathan felt guilty that he hadn’t stopped Peter from going to Odessa, or that he hadn’t went with his brother. Peter’s crippled state was a personal failure to Nathan, as big and large as the scar on his little brother’s face. He had failed his wife; and then failed his brother.
Nathan wanted to make things better. He’d just asked Hiro to change the past. Again.
“Just because my brother has some issues…” Peter frowned, “Doesn’t mean that you have to mess with the past. You could create some kind of paradox that could obliterate the whole world.”
“That’s possible.” Hiro shrugged. “But maybe the future is what we make it. There’s no guarantee that it’s been written yet.” The fact that he’d been able to change the future made Hiro believe what he said.
“Why in the hell do you sound like Doc Brown?” Peter sighed. “Please, Hiro, don’t do this for my sake.”
“I’m not.” Hiro said, walking away. “It’s not all about you.”
With a sneer on his face, Peter read Hiro’s mind.
“Since when in the hell does Nathan have a daughter?”
Hiro came down to one simple conclusion.
He couldn’t be the one to save the world. He couldn’t even save Claire. Hiro had tried, countless times, ending up in a myriad of different futures, not a one near ideal. The world needed the Petrellis, the extended lot of them. Anything less lead to an apocalypse.
And so he’d studied, reliving the future countless times, bit by bit, until he came up with a solution that seemed like it would work. The idea had come to him while watching a Star Trek episode where Spock was playing three-dimensional chess. Sometimes, in a complex game, you had to make a move early on that would put you in position to win the game later on. Seemingly insignificant at the present moment, looking back, that one move would look oh so critical.
Hiro had finally decided upon his critical move.
“Peter Petrelli?” Hiro called, walking through the subway car towards the young, somewhat frightened man on the subway.
“How is this happening?”
“I’m sorry if I frightened you.” Hiro paused slightly. Sooner or later, this synching of powers would seem commonplace to Peter. This Peter was nothing like the one he’d known. He was whole, his skin pristine, unmarked by any scar. This Peter was intimidated; while the paralyzed Peter had been like stone, unflappable by any supernatural occurrence. “You look different without your scar.”
Peter voice rose slightly. “I don’t know you, buddy.”
“Not yet. My name is Hiro Nakamura. I'm from the future. I have a message for you.”
“A message?”
“Save the cheerleader, save the world.” He’d settled on that message, hoping that it would lead Peter to protecting Claire. “You can be the one we need.”
Hiro felt himself slip into the stream of time once more, hoping that the future he arrived in would be better than the last.