You Never Call Me When You're Sober
Author: Tracy (
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: If I owned Supernatural, you'd know all about Dr. Miller instead of Dr. Kripke.
Pairing: Jo centric, with hints of a Jo/Dean friendship-ship.
Spoilers: "Everyone Loves A Clown"
Summary: Dean never calls when he's sober.
As meticulous as hunters have to be in the field; you’d think they’d show the same care for everything in their lives. The mess they leave behind in the roadhouse is proof enough that they don’t. Jo sighs and ties her long blonde hair in a quick ponytail behind her back before tackling the latest mess.
The patrons of their place are as varied as the monsters they fight; from different places, with different colored skin, some male, some female. And not a one of them seems willing to clean up after themselves- that’s the only constant.
It’s not that she hates her job, because all in all, it’s not a bad gig. She’s grown up in this bar; and the people who remember her with pigtails seem to be particularly good tippers. It’s home, and Jo loves it here.
More than anything, Jo wants to hunt. She’s gone on a few hunts, but none too long or to complicated. In the world of professional hunting, she’s simply an amateur. Knowledge wise, she knows a lot more than most rookies- reading every single scrap of information she could get her paws on since she was little, and listening to liquored up hunters spill their best cases means that Jo knows a hell of a lot. She has no experience, and experience can be the difference between life and death out in the wild. If her mother has her way, Jo will never get experience.
That sucks.
Every once in a while, Jo thinks of slipping out and heading out on the hunt on her own. She never follows through, because as crazy as Ellen drives her, they’ve got a special bond. Ash jokingly calls them the Gilmore Girls with guns, and as crazy as it seems, Jo knows it’s kind of true. Most of all, Jo can’t bear the thought of leaving her mother alone, so she stays.
Just as she’s cleaning up a table, Jo’s cell phone rings. Her ring tone is Michael Jackon’s Thriller. She purchased it thinking it would be some sort of metatextual comment on being a hunter, but really, it’s just pathetic. She’s too lazy to change it, so every time her phone rings, Jo wonders just what sort of ghoul Michael Jackson is, because he’s clearly not human.
“Hey, Jo.”
“Hay is for horses. Hello, Dean.” She says with a tiny smile, and sits down at the table. Cleaning up can wait a minute, it’s not like the place is that busy at the moment, anyway. She slipped both the Winchester brothers her phone number before they left the bar after chasing a homicidal clown; figuring they might need a consult on some case.
Sam has called a couple times, when they were out in the boondocks and couldn’t get on the net. Once he was calling to ask her Mom a question. Jo gets along okay with Sam.
Dean’s never called her on a case, in fact, he barely calls her at all. When he does call, he always seems to be absolutely plastered. Growing up in an establishment where beer flows like water, drunk people are no strangers to Jo. But she’s never been somebody’s drunk dial before.
She doesn’t mind.
Her Momma always says that people get drunk to forget or escape things. And judging on what she knows about the Winchester family- little comments Ellen makes, or slurs that Dean makes on the phone- Dean’s got a lot to run from.
A bartender knows how to listen to people. So Jo listens to Dean, letting him talk about whatever’s on his mind. Everyone needs someone to talk to, and she’s a little flattered that he chooses to talk to her.
Yeah, she’s got a little bit of a crush. Dean’s hot, and she’s a single girl who has had an extremely long and painful spurt in the romance department.
She’s got a thing for hunters, too. Maybe she’s drawn to them because they’re who she wants to be, or maybe it’s because hunting men are what she’s grown up with- a man who can’t shoot a gun or defeat demons isn’t a man in her eyes at all. And partly, she has a thing for hunters because they are exactly the kind of men her mother doesn’t want her to date.
She has issues. But what hunter doesn’t?
At the same time, Jo knows it’s not going anywhere with Dean. And maybe, she doesn’t expect it to. More than anything, it’s nice to have a friend.
Maybe, he thinks of her as a friend.
And maybe, one day, Dean will call her when he’s sober.
Until then, she’ll keep listening.