Ain't Too Much of a Comfort
by Tracy (lunarknigtz)
Rating: PG
Category: Crossover.
Spoilers : MAJOR spoiler for Grey's Anatomy Season 2 FINALE; Pilot of SPN, I guess.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. No-Thing. And what I do own is in storage.
Summary: Life is never perfect; and seemingly, death isn't either.
Things in his life were finally looking good. Pretty darn near close to perfect, actually. He had a new ticker a pumping in his chest; the woman he loved (who was pretty much the hottest woman he’d ever known) was going to marry him; and he had a brand new Rolling Stone magazine to read.
Once he got out of this damn hospital- something that just a few hours ago had been an uncertainty was now fact, damn fact, he’d be able to make his own choices again. The world would be his oyster, and Denny Duqutette was going to savor every last second of it.
Suddenly, in the midst of everything being so utterly right, things went utterly wrong. And he fought it, fought with the same gusto he’d fought trying to reel in that huge ass fish with his grandpa when he was five, back in Alabama.
Despite it all, he closed his eyes.
Denny eyes snapped open, and he gasped, long and hard and deep.
He didn’t hurt. Not at all, not anywhere.
Everything was bright, and sort of blurry.
He wanted to panic, to scream, but words seemed to escape him. He wanted to panic, he had to panic, but if he got too upset, he could put his tender new ticker in danger.
Someone sensed his fear. ”Shhh.” A gentle voice said, approaching him from the side. He craned his head, and though it was blurry, he could tell the form was female, tall, and blonde.
“Izzie?” He grunted, hoping, desperately hoping it was her.
“It takes a moment.” She replied. “When you first cross over. Relax. The confusion will pass.”
“Cross over?” He muttered. “I didn’t cross over nowhere.”
She knelt down beside him. “Believe me. I understand. I didn’t want to believe it either, when I came here. I left so many things undone, so many people behind. It was sudden, and it wasn’t fair.” She sighed. “But as in life, in death we rarely get a choice.”
“Death? You mean I’m…dead?”
She nodded sagely. “I’m afraid so, Denny.”
He was silent for a second. “Then where in the hell am I?”
“Heaven? Seriously? This is it? I’m done and over now? It ended like this?”
“Pretty much.”
“Hell. It can’t end like this. I’m just hallucinating’, or dreaming’, but this can’t be right. I won’t end it like this.”
“But it has.”
“DON’T TELL ME THAT!” He roared. “I can’t be dead. I’ve got a girl, and she’s pretty much the most amazing woman that’s ever been. She’s drop dead gorgeous, but it’s not even her looks so much as the way that she cares, and she tries, and when she looks at me, it’s not like I’m some sicko…she sees the me that I want to be. And she pretty much laid her job…her life on the line for me, to save me, to get this damn heart, and I can’t go and die when I ain’t never got to hear her heart beating against my new one.”
“Denny.” She said, reaching out to place her hand on his shoulder. “I understand…”
“You sure as hell don’t.”
“I DON’T?” She snapped with fire in her eyes. “You think I don’t know? Death took me from my family in the middle of the night. I had a husband, the bravest and smartest husband, who for the life of him, could never remember to put the toilet seat down, but he loved me like crazy and I loved him. I had a four year old boy who loved playing little league and had a smile that was just like mine, and a six month old baby boy that I never got to see have a birthday. So don’t you even tell me that I don’t understand. Because if anything, I understand you too damn well.”
Both were silent for a moment, glaring at each other.
“So there’s no getting out of this?” He said softly.
“If there is,” she snorted, “I haven’t found it yet.”
“What happens next?”
“Life and Death….go on.” She said softly. “We sit. We wait. We enjoy paradise and hope like anything that our loved ones get here soon, but not too soon. We look down on them and watch them when we can.”
“Man, that sucks.”
She shrugged. “Pretty much. You do get used to it, though.”
“That ain’t seeming like too much of a comfort.”
“You know, I’m not sure it’s supposed to be.”
“So…you think you can show me the round this never ending waiting cycle?”
“Duh. That’s kind of my job.” She said with a tiny grin. “You seriously remind me of my husband, you know that? Something around the eyes, maybe.” She squinted.
“Well, I guess I’m flattered.” He said flustered. “I’m Denny.” He stuck out his hand to shake hers.
She replied in kind. “I know. I’m Mary. Mary Winchester.”
“So, Mary.” He said with a drawl. “What happens next?”
“That, Denny, is what you have eternity to figure out.”