Not Often A Good Day- Dean Winchester/DC Comics Fic

Feb 16, 2006 15:44

Not Often A Good Day
by lunarknightz

Rating: PG-13
Category: Dean Centric. AU. Crossover.
Summary: Dean loses everything. Even himself.
Spoilers: Last episode seen was "The Benders", but no real spoilers.
Disclaimer: I own noothing. And even if I did, I'd be packing it up into cardboard boxes and putting it into storage.

Author's Note: Information Constantine (Hellblazer) is available here: . I haven't read much of the comics, but I did see the movie, so this is a delightful little mismash. *g*

When you lose everyone you care for; it’s bound to change you.

Dean’s memories of his mother are fuzzy at best- to him she is angel, forever beautiful, eternally young, and gone forever.

Many years later, a particularly ugly and vicious demon kills his father outside of L.A. It came back two weeks to the day, and mutilated Sammy with its’ horrible teeth.

The day that Dean finally kicks that demon’s ass, sending it back to whatever hell dimension spawned it in the first place, he takes up smoking. He lights the first match by striking it against one of the demon’s green scales, and Dean enjoys the hazy drag of the giant stogie he purchased in anticipation of that very day.

He switches to cigarettes; even the best pool hustlers can’t afford multiple Cubans every day. On a good day, he smokes at least a pack a day. On a bad day, two packs.

He doesn’t often have good days.

In time, he abandons his leather jacket for a black trench coat. He’s grown up, and grown far away from his wannabe James Dean phase- the jacket no longer fits the man he’s become. The trench coat does.

Dean’s hair has always been a sandy brown, the kind that would bleach to a blondish color if he spent enough time in the sun.

He hasn’t seen the sun for more than five minutes at since Sam died.

It isn’t a surprise when he develops a smoker’s cough. It’s a surprise one morning when he wakes up in the emergency room, told that he’s got six months, tops, to live. Terminal Lung Cancer. Advanced Stages.

One morning he dies; or he would have died had the universe itself not intervened.

He isn’t quite ready for Heaven yet. Heaven is for people like Mom, and Dad, and Sammy; people that deserve it.

Dean hasn’t earned his way. And he sure as hell isn’t going to hell.

And so he gets a second chance. And a gift- the veil over his eyes has been drawn away, and now he can see the truth- glimpses of the angels and demons that walk amongst the Earth.

He walks out of the hospital with a miracle, a mission, and a new name.

He now answers to the name of John Constatine; but the name change is little more than a formality. The Dean Winchester that his family knew died alongside them, and this new creature, this hellblazer, has been years, if not a lifetime in the making.

When you lose everyone you care for, it’s bound to change you.

You might even lose yourself.

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