Death Dealer- Smallville/Supernatural Crossover

Feb 16, 2006 11:20

Death Dealer
by Tracy (lunarknightz)

Rating: PG
Category: Ella Sullivan (Chloe's Mom)centric. Crossover with SPN as well.
Summary: Have you had dreams, and do you hear voices? I've heard them calling my name.
Spoilers: SV- "Tomb", SPN-"The Benders"
Disclaimer: I own neither SV or SPN.


November, 1983

The first time she dreams of fire, Ella is on her honeymoon.

Her dream is vivid. The heat of the fire burns her, the acid smell of smoke burns her nose. She sees the family rush out of the house; watches a little boy, barely more than a toddler carry a tiny baby out of the inferno. The mother is pinned to the ceiling, and her husband stands transfixed, unsure what to do as the flames overtake her.

Ella screams, but her voice has no sound in this world.

She sits up with a start, and her eyes shoot open. Tears pour down her face, and Gabe is there, comforting and holding her. Ella is safe in a hotel room in Bermuda, safe in the arms of her new husband.

After writing a description of the dream in her journal, Ella is able to put it behind her. It was just a dream, a nightmare caused by all the stress of pulling together the fancy wedding in Metropolis. She won’t let a stupid dream ruin this time with Gabe. Their life together can’t start with her being a basketcase.

They return to Metropolis, tanned and jubilant. Ella makes their small apartment into a home, carefully choosing pictures for the walls, and refurbishing some old pieces of furniture she found in a small flea market in a town where they stopped for corn one weekend.

A newspaper story dated November 3rd catches her eye as she is covering the kitchen floor to repaint a chair. “Mysterious Fire Claims Mother”, the headline reads.

The woman in the picture is the same one Ella saw burn in her dreams.


November, 1984

The dreams come more often now. They are not all of fire, but they all feature death. She sees old men having heart attacks, a woman shot by a jealous lover, a child ran over by a car when his Dad was backing the truck out of the highway.

Ella writes about the dreams in spiral notebooks. She hides them in the back of her closet, where Gabe won’t find them. She isn’t sure what Gabe would think. To be honest, Ella doesn’t know what to think of herself.

Sleeping pills help at times, but the visions never stop coming. There is no shortage of people to die in her dreams.

Ella does not understand why she is the witness.


Lois soothes Ella’s jangled nerves.

Her brother Sam is overseas on some sort of secret assignment, and so his wife Ellen (she’d never stop teasing her brother about naming someone with the same name as her-) and newborn child are staying with Ella and Gabe until he returns.

Ella has never been overly fond of children. As the youngest, she liked to be spoiled more than spoiling others. When she was a teenager, Ella had only babysat a few times, mostly for friends of the family. Having children wasn’t something she’d ever considered, though Gabe had been dropping hints lately.

But having Lois around the house has made Ella change her mind.

The dreams don’t come as much when her tiny niece is around. It’s a hell of a lot better solution than sleeping pills.

She’s stopped taking birth control pills; and Ella dreams of a little girl with Gabe’s smile.


At first, Ella was certain she’d have a miscarriage. As time progressed, and the pregnancy held on, she was afraid that something would happen to her baby at birth.

Her fears were for naught, and she holds a beautiful baby girl with a head of blonde peach fuzz in her arms.

They named her Chloe, for Gabe’s grandmother.

October, 1989

Ella falls asleep on the couch, with the TV set still on. She’s utterly exhausted. Chloe caught a nasty bug at play group, and she’s walked the floor all night with a fussy two year old.

The dream thunders through her mind fast and furiously. It’s the worst dream she’s had since Chloe’s birth. She sees meteors falling from the sky, smashing into people and killing them by their car. So much death, so much pain, in a little town that almost seems familiar.

Ella awakes with a start, only to see that WGBS news is replaying her dream, only they call it a live news report from Smallville.


“Would you like some tea?” Chloe asks the empty chair next to her favorite teddy bear. “Okay.” She chirps. “One lump of sugar or two?”

Ella smiles at her daughter. She wasn’t happy about moving, even for this short term assignment, but it seems to have turned out for the best. Lionel Luthor must have a great deal of confidence in her husband’s ability to send him to establish a new project at the plant outside of Lawrence, Kansas. They’ve rented a nice home, with a big yard for Chloe to play in; and the rent is surprisingly cheap.

The house seems familiar; but Ella can’t exactly place why.

The dreams have been coming more and more frequently since the meteor shower. She’s toyed with the idea of going to a psychiatrist, and getting help, or stronger drugs. If she found a good doctor here in Lawrence, no one in Metropolis would ever have to know.

“You can hardly tell it burned in here.” Chloe smiles at the empty chair. “The repair men did a good job.”

Ella looks over at her daughter. “Sweetie, what are you talking about?”

Chloe looks at her mother with big eyes. “I’m talking to my friend Mary. She used to live here, but she died in a fire.”

Ella’s eyes grow wide. “Chloe, there’s nobody there.”

“You can’t see her, Mommy?”

Things begin to click in Ella’s brain. Lawrence. Fire. The House. She grabs Chloe’s hand and drags her from the room, running to her bedroom. Ella goes to the closet and withdraws her cardboard box of dream journals. With a shaking hand, she goes to the first journal, and takes out the newspaper article she found while repainting several years ago.

“That’s her Mom!” Chloe squeaks.

Ella leaves that night to visit Sam, who is stationed for the time being, outside of Metropolis.

She never returns to Lawerence.



“Ella.” Gabe pleads. “You can’t just leave us. We need you. Chloe needs you. I…need you.”

She reaches out and touches his cheek softly. “I love you and Chloe more than anything.” Ella pauses and takes a deep breath. “And that’s why I can’t stay.”

“We can work through this together.”

“This is something I have to do on my own, honey. I’m having these dreams for a reason. I’m supposed to do something. I have to try to save people, Gabe. All I’ve done is see death for so long.”

“It’s not your job to be a superhero, Ella.”

“Yes.” She said simply. “It is.”

“Will you come back?” Gabe asks, looking into her eyes. “Or should I get used to the single parent game?”

“You won’t get rid of me that easily.” Ella kissed her husband softly before walking out of the door.



“You can’t do this!” Ella screams as they forced her into a white cell. “I’m not crazy!”

“Ms. Sullivan.” Lionel Luthor leers, from the other side of the door. “Anyone who gives me death threats is obviously in need of mental treatment.”

“Please.” She sobs. “I have a family. A daughter, and a husband. They need me.”

“They’ve done absolutely fine without you for the last five years.”

“Just let me call them, please.”

“Your family is leaving Metropolis, Ms. Sullivan. I’ve given your husband a new job in Smallville. They think you’ve abandoned them. In time, they’ll forget about you completely.

In the last seven years, Ella was able to save several lives. A well timed phone call; cutting in line at the grocery store, causing someone to miss speeding truck that they otherwise would have collided with. Ella saved lives everyday, and most of the time, people didn’t even know that their lives had been in danger. She didn’t regret the journey she’d taken.

It had been a mistake to warn Lionel Luthor about the murder plot his personal assistant was hatching. The fact that he was alive now proved that he had heeded her words. And then the bastard had turned around and thrown her in the looney bin.

Maybe she does belong here. She’d trusted Lionel Luthor, and that, in itself was criminally insane.


February 2006

Today, Ella had seen her daughter for the first time in seven years. Chloe had grown into quite a beauty. Ella could see traces of her own face in her daughter’s, along with Gabe’s shy smile.

Holding Chloe in her arms had felt like coming home.

They talked for hours. Chloe was in college now, studying at Metropolis University. And she was working at the Daily Planet! Chloe talked about her friends- of Lois, her roommate Lana, her best friend Clark who had recently lost his father. When Chloe showed her pictures, Ella had recognized them both- she’d dreamed of both of them a few weeks ago, seeing at first Lana’s death, and what she figured had been Jonathan Kent’s death. Ella kept that to herself. She didn’t want Chloe to think she was truly crazy, not this soon after reconnecting. She couldn’t lose her daughter again.

Chloe reluctantly talked about the ordeal she’d been through recently, being possessed by a ghost of a sort.

“I just don’t understand.” Chloe said meekly, “Why out of everyone, out of Lana, and Lois…why I was the one to see Gretchen. Why did she choose me?”

At the time, Ella had shrugged and squeezed her daughter’s hand lightly. “I don’t know, Chloe. I wish I had an easy answer for you…but I don’t.”

Staring at the ceiling above her bed, Ella had come up with an answer to Chloe’s question. It wasn’t an easy answer.

Ella recalled Chloe’s actions in the house in Lawrence, of her tea parties with a ghost.

Ella saw death before it happened. Visions came to her in dreams, allowing her a chance to change what might happen before things had even begun.

Chloe could talk to the dead. She was a medium, allowing people to finish up whatever business they had left undone in life.

The Sullivan women were powerful; for each in their own way, was a death dealer. For nothing in life is ever simple, not even death.

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