Hehe, guess what I finally figured out on my camera? *huge sweatdrop*
So yeah, the flower macro. Not, in fact, the flower *icon* used for taking pictures of... flowers.
Anyway. Piccies. Decided to use the new-found macro on Nettle so people could see her poor lip :( and hopefully advise me what to do...
Nettle )
Comments 17
AS to the dirtyness...hmm, before now ive used cotton wool pads dampened in water with a touch of washing up liquid. It did the job. As to her face up...I guess its a re-paint job really.
have you never done a 'face up' before?
Also, I'm scared of wiping her face to clean it in case the make-up comes off! Her lips are *really* dirty, right inside too, so I guess I will have to take it all off... But then I'm worried about what I should use to get the whole lot off, and blah blah. I suck.
If she was coated with MSC then using a dampened cotton wool pad gentley over her face and head..shouldn't be a problem.
I wanted to check, you wouldn't be mad if I made the Cardcaptor dress would you? I'm worried in case you think that I'm trying to out do you or something. I need advice from Caireen about making it, its going to be hard.
So do you think it should always be pink? The white is quite pretty but it would look terrible in satin.
Do you have Caireen's E-Mail address?
Also, I really don't think you should ask her for help on it, she's just way too swamped with the kids and personal stuff :/
And yes, I think it should always be pink ^^
If you go for it then good luck :D But I would NEVER attempt it on my own! lol But maybe that's just 'cos I suck ^^ I know Kat (Mark's ex) was going to do it for the cosplay ball, maybe you could ask her what her ideas for it were? (Also, I wouldn't get it commissioned, it will cost a BOMB!)
And if you want to get into dolls, go here for *the* doll forum http://www.denofangels.com/forums, and here for every single doll ever made http://www.gigglegeek.dk/bjd.htm ^^
How is Caireen these days? I sort of lost touch with quite a few people, she was one of them which was a shame.
I want to go to Japan in 2006, wish I could find someplace that sold dolls so I could consider attempting to bring one back. I doubt I'll find anywhere and it would probably get ruined but I might try it.
If I were you, I would try to touch up the lips with pastels, as you said. Failing that, send her off to mutehoney or another artist you like. I'm like you and am too scared to do a faceup myself :/
Oh and congrats on finding the macro icon - that is a must with doll photos :)
I have a dress to make her that I've been trying to make for a month (I suck, I haven't even started it yet) and then I'm allowed to clear the table of all my sewing gear and get out the painting gear. I'm going to use my new RML head to practice with, and then if I like her lips enough I'll give Nettle's a go ^^ So I *really* need to make that dress >_< .
And awesome pants!!
Yeah, I hope I do too :( Got a blank RML head now, so at least I can practice before I go blundering in and ruin Nettle! lol
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