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Comments 10

luvscharlie March 20 2014, 14:35:27 UTC
I think the fact that you see that you will be okay is huge.

Regardless of whether this is the one (and I'm not convinced it's not-- just because they said they'd call early this week, we all know the flakiness of management), or not, you are going back to California.

I'm so glad things are looking up!


lunalovepotter March 20 2014, 15:21:59 UTC
I think the fact that you see that you will be okay is huge.

While I might not be 100% 'okay' right this minute, I will be okay soon. I'm certainly disappointed (or at least I'm prepared to be), but knowing that I have an 'end date' helps make things a lot easier. Thanks! :)


rhrsoulmates March 20 2014, 22:53:59 UTC
Of course you'll be okay. It's only a matter of a couple of months, if this doesn't work out, and you can talk yourself into that being a good thing in that you won't be so rushed to pack, figure out how to get everything back to the west coast, and won't be breaking your lease. Having said that, of course I hope it does work out. Your change of feelings does make total sense ( ... )


lunalovepotter March 21 2014, 13:44:13 UTC
What your mom said is true and I think, based on what you've told me about your relationship in the past, her talking about being together soon was supportive in and by itself.

Well at first I was annoyed, because I read it at a time when I was feeling particularly frustrated about the lack of news (and about my performance in general). I interpreted the message as confirmation of my fears that I didn't get the job - which I already kind of knew but wasn't quite ready to accept yet. (If that makes sense.)

But I know that the message was intended to be supportive, and I understand that now. I simply have to keep telling myself that it's only a few more months and that I'll be home soon.

I don't know why I haven't heard anything yet, and even though I'm not expecting to get good news it is a bit annoying to not have confirmation, considering they said it would be early in the week.


kirsdarke March 21 2014, 15:20:05 UTC
I know exactly how you feel. I've gotten my hopes up about so many jobs that didn't work out, and I've left interviews feeling that way. That's why I hate job interviews so much.

I'm sorry it didn't work out, but just keep looking forward. Everything will work out. Everything will be okay.


lunalovepotter March 21 2014, 23:21:14 UTC
Thank you. I know you've been through the wringer with the job hunt too, and I can imagine your frustration. Job hunting sucks, and it is so demoralizing. But we have to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off and move forward.

Best of luck to you too, whatever the future holds! :)


stmargarets March 22 2014, 11:30:21 UTC
Hope you hear something soon! It's hard to fathom the mysteries of the HR department, and trying to outthink them is an exercise in frustration.

"I will be okay."

Yes you will! *hugs*


lunalovepotter March 24 2014, 16:42:52 UTC
Thanks for the support! I actually just learned that I did not get the job - disappointing, of course, but I did get to spend a few days with my family in L.A., which was great. Now I just have to brush myself off and start planning for the big move in August. :)


stmargarets March 24 2014, 18:48:27 UTC
Oh, darn. I'm sorry to hear that. Yes, do start your planning and feel good that you got that far in the interview process. Not many people get flown across the country for an interview! *hugs*


hpiknut March 24 2014, 16:58:31 UTC
Sorry you didn't get it. :( But chin up and keep moving forward! Sunny CA awaits!


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