2013 In Review

Jan 10, 2014 12:18

Snagged from angua9. This is a little late, but I’m a little late with everything these days…and 2013 was a tough year. These questions took a lot of thought.

2013 In Review: )

year in review 2013, meme

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Comments 8

nightfalltwen January 10 2014, 17:48:16 UTC
If you liked 11/22/63, you might like Under The Dome as well. :) It's a really good book as well.


luvscharlie January 10 2014, 18:05:08 UTC
I second this very much. I think she'd really like Fire Starter and The Dead Zone too. Both great books without the I'm scared to turn off the light factor


lunalovepotter January 12 2014, 00:42:09 UTC
Well I may just have to buy it for my Kindle!


luvscharlie January 10 2014, 18:05:30 UTC
Doing this meme right now!


kirsdarke January 10 2014, 18:14:27 UTC
Only book of King's I've read is Carrie, but I'm looking forward to his other work, especially 11/22/63. What did you think of it?


lunalovepotter January 11 2014, 19:37:22 UTC
It was recommended to me by luvscharlie, who is probably the biggest King fan I know. I'm not a horror person so I'd never been much tempted to read anything by him. Time travel can be very tricky to pull off, but this was very well-crafted with compelling characters. I enjoyed it a lot.


scarletladyy January 10 2014, 23:32:33 UTC
Great meme! That's lovely that you got to meet your nephew and spend some time with your brother and his family :)


lunalovepotter January 11 2014, 19:42:31 UTC
My brother and I don't communicate much, and due to family drama stemming from years ago, he and my mom still don't speak. He and his family are moving to Hawaii soon, as he got a job there and I was worried I'd never get to meet my new nephew. So it was really special to have everyone there for the holiday.


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