Boston Bombings

Apr 15, 2013 17:25

I am fortunately okay, as I made the decision to stay home to avoid the usual chaos of downtown on Marathon day. But as it stands now at least two people are dead, and 100 injured, several critically. Reports indicate some people lost limbs in the explosions.

How anyone could do this on such a special day for the city of Boston is beyond my ( Read more... )

via ljapp

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Comments 15

bombing in Boston jadelollipop April 15 2013, 21:44:48 UTC
glad you are safe. Saddened by the news re: marathon


Re: bombing in Boston lunalovepotter April 16 2013, 15:06:58 UTC
Thank you. *hugs*


ragdoll April 15 2013, 22:11:54 UTC
So glad you're okay, love. So far, all my other B'town friends and loved ones have checked in and they're okay too.

I am gutted that anyone would do this. It's even worse today as a number of people were running in support of Newtown and/or raising money for them. It's just horrible.


lunalovepotter April 16 2013, 15:08:10 UTC
It seems that the more information that comes out, the worse it gets. Although it really can't get much worse than the death of a child.

Thank you for your support. *HUGS*


stmargarets April 15 2013, 22:26:03 UTC
So glad you're okay. What a horrible day for Boston and all the people who were directly affected. *big internet hugs*


lunalovepotter April 16 2013, 15:10:02 UTC
Thank you. I was almost going to work yesterday (despite that it is a state holiday, our offices were open) but decided late last week to take the day off to avoid the crowds and the inevitable transportation delays. So I feel fortunate in that regard, but nonetheless devastated and very shaken.



rumpelsnorcack April 15 2013, 22:55:29 UTC
I'm so glad you're okay, but totally sickened by what has happened. Sending virtual hugs to you and all those you know *hug*


blpurdom April 15 2013, 23:51:34 UTC
So glad you're okay! I was in a bubble all day and just found out what happened. :hugs:


lunalovepotter April 16 2013, 15:12:59 UTC
Thank you. Fortunately I did not know anyone who was directly affected by the events, but am nonetheless very shaken and upset by what happened.


girlspell April 16 2013, 01:22:21 UTC
They've risen the death toll to 3 now. There is all kind of crazy rumors going all over the place, but the 3 dead is from CNN.

We'll see tomorrow.

Stay safe!


lunalovepotter April 16 2013, 15:14:14 UTC
As of now it still stands at 3 dead, and sadly one of them was a child. There are over a dozen critically injured as well. Truly a horrible, senseless event.

Thank you. *hugs*


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