Title: Please Stop Time
Pairing: A bit Yunjae DBSK
Rating: G
Genre: Angst, tragedy, sad
A/N: I did post to AFF too ^^
Summary: The break up is taking toll to each members. Glad the final day is closer but why one of them didn't feel the same? The day which supposed to be happy, tainted with crimson red in which once become their passion and inspiration
The red balloons are released and fly to the air, indicating that they are free forever just like how the balloon floating to the wide blue sky. )
Comments 6
let me think about that :D
It is a well written fic.
You pace the fic really well and brought it to and earth shattering ending.
it would be good if there is a sequel but I doubt it ^^
hehe sequel? yeah, many of my readers want that too but ..
I'll think about it ^^
yes. if you think thought like that, everything going to be fine ^^~
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