[reference] Schedule

Oct 03, 2011 23:54

Trying not to flood the network with posts; let's hope backdating works!

Generally, I am around in the evenings, sometimes afternoon-ish. I may comment randomly throughout the day, but it won't be anything consistent because I'll be doing it in class. I will almost never be around on Friday evenings, because that's the day I get 90% of my socialization for the week done.

0900 - 1700: Classes, assignments, etc.
1700 - 2300: Theoretical free time

0600 - 1500: Busy
1500 - 0100: Free

0900 - 1700: Busy
1700 - 2300: Free

0600 - 1900: Busy
1900 - 0100: Free

0900 - 1700: Busy
1700 - 1900: Free
1900 - 0300: TEA AND IMPROV

Weekends are mysterious because my friends sometimes drag me out to public places so that I can embarrass them/embarrass others/get kicked out of restaurants. Occasionally I go to the theater. Occasionally I act in the theater.


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