Writing Room of Doom

Feb 17, 2009 17:16

In my house, there is a room with a desk at which I theoretically do my writing. In actuality, I only use this desk a few times a month, and for various reasons, I do most of my writing on the couch or at cafes and libraries. Still, the room is considered the Writing Room (or the Art Room because that's how we thought of it when we first moved into the house, though very little art was ever done in it). The room has no other intended purpose except to be my workspace. It's my room of one's own.

But boxes not unpacked never do unpack themselves, and clutter attracts clutter, and over the years the accidental purpose of the room has been to accumulate household stuff that doesn't belong anywhere else. Including stuff that doesn't belong in the house at all anymore -- getting rid of things isn't my strong suit. As a result, one of the various reasons that I don't use my writing room much is that it's not all that pleasant a place to be. I'm actually a neat freak, I just have a strange way of expressing it.

And so, after some months of deliberately letting things get bad enough to disgust myself into action, I've embarked on The Great Writing Room Cleanup of Aught-Nine. I hope that by cleaning for a couple of hours every day for the rest of the month, I can get rid of all the stuff, all the boxes, all the clutter, and create an actually nice writing space. With room for organized storage, too, since writing really doesn't require very much square footage, and maybe even decor to complement the anticipated pristineness.

I'm documenting the cleanup process with a Flickr photo set. The photos are friendslocked because I felt a bit strange about displaying my mess for the whole internet. If we're not already Flickr friends, I can add you, and if you're not on Flickr but can't live without viewing my piles of crap, I can send you a guest pass.

Writing Room of Doom, I will tame you!

house, photos, cleaning

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