Jul 03, 2008 17:53
Well, it's been seven weeks since my last entry (Bless me, LiveJournal, for I have sinned...), so I must have lots and lots of things to report.
Okay, there aren't really that many things. Mostly I've been editing The Overworld again. Yes, again. But this is it, finally. By "it", I do not mean that this is the last edit the novel will need, because I am not so foolish as to believe that. But I do believe that this is it, this is the one, this is the version of the novel that will get me an agent.
Erm, maybe that sounds like hubris. I do not want to bring down the wrath of literary gods. All I am saying is that when I'm done with this draft, I'll have a seriously polished manuscript ready for submission, and I'm hopeful that I'll have good results with it. The various incarnations of the second draft were a vast improvement over the first draft, but I knew the novel still needed work. And was still too freaking long. Thanks to the great feedback I've gotten from all my readers, I'm now producing the draft that's tight and streamlined and... okay, I can't hold it in, it's AWESOME! MY NOVEL IZ TEH AWESOME, PUBLISH ME NOW, KTHXBYE!!!!1!1!!
the overworld