Title: Apricot Wine
Rating: PG
Possible Spoilers/Warnings: None, though there are vague mentions of scenes from Deathly Hallows (but if you haven’t read that yet, what are you doing on the internet?)
Summary: After the end of the war, Dean thinks he’s free to live his own life and forget about the darkness of the past. Luna shows up to remind him
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Comments 10
♥ ♥ ♥
This is just so, asd;lfjk perfectly wonderful.
Love love love the fact that it seems completely normal to Luna to pick up exactly where they left off three years before, love that Dean takes it so naturally in stride.
He told himself it was just because he was taking care to get the details right, or because he spent more time talking to Luna than actually painting her
Oh Dean. Love your denial. ;)
Luna, of course, had always had a habit of throwing wrenches into his best resolutions.
This whole interchange was fantastic, with Dean's assumptions of Luna contradicting things she really has going on, something I think we're all guilty of doing with her character. But this line, oh man, A+. Starts by losing one assumption and then goes right into making another. Just for her to defy it. Aww, Dean.
“It sounds horrid,” Luna observed. “Perfect.”
I have no idea why this sounds absolutely Luna, but it so so is.
Stop, he wanted to say, that’s my floor, not a canvas.Ok, I *snerked*. But more importantly, YES! ( ... )
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I love the art, the rain, the fact that there's a little hint that Luna is *dealing* with things just like everybody else, but even so she has that spark.
great dialogue, wonderful language.
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