Another challenge

Aug 17, 2009 16:10

Last week, I re-found the 1sentence comm and decided to take up its challenge. Four days later, I am finished! And I've written these for the Chuck fandom, a fandom I have only ever read in before. (I have decided I likethe 1sentence idea a lot because it doesn't take up too much time XD)

So, here:

Title: Never Forever
Fandom: Chuck
Pairing: Chuck x Casey
Theme set: Gamma
Rating: G - NC-17
Warning[s]: Sex, slash, character death, angst, fluff, references: 1.03, 1.22, 2.01, 2.02, 2.03, 2.09 (none are massive spoilers about the episodes, just little parts)
Notes: Uhm, yes, I abused the punctuation. A lot.

#01 Ring
It's when Chuck spends all night in a Dumpster, looking for Ellie's engagement ring, that it strikes Casey the nerd really cares about others - when he risks his life to save Casey and Sarah, Casey has to wonder when, exactly, someone's going to break the poor boy.

#02 Hero
It's clear to everyone that there's some kind of hero-worship thing going off with Chuck and John Casey; the problem is, no one but Casey knows which way it goes.

#03 Memory
Chuck's first memory of Casey is the hard-assed secret agent who really, honestly looked like he was going to kill him; Chuck doesn't really think that Casey has got any less scary, or any less dangerous (he'd say he's gotten more dangerous, if he's being honest, but that's more in relation to the bad guys than Chuck, himself) - but, well, he's just realised he's in love with the guy, so how scary can he find him?

#04 Box
Casey hands Chuck the box with a gruff, "Happy Birthday," thrown in his direction; Chuck opens it and squirms in delight at the brand-new games inside - he gives Casey a questioning look, but the spy just mentions something about 'NSA compensation,' desperately trying to hide the blush on his cheeks.

#05 Run
It's bizarre, to think that Ellie and Awesome are safe and warm at home, that Morgan and Anna are probably snuggled up on a couch, when he, Chuck, is fighting to stay awake as Casey tries to get them out of the country; it's bizarre to think he's on the run.

#06 Hurricane
Bryce keeps flying in and out of their lives like some kind of force of nature, and every time he makes an entrance, Casey has to wonder whether that look of longing on Chuck's face is for the fact that Sarah will always fall for Bryce, or the fact that Bryce will always fall for Sarah.

#07 Wing
The last time Casey was in a plane, he was dropped into Afghanistan, and half of his unit died; now, Chuck notices the look on his face and, ignoring Sarah's incredulous expression, laces his hand with Casey's, squeezing tight to let him know they're okay.

#08 Cold
Chuck shivers, once, when they're walking into the courtyard, and Casey wordlessly hands him his jacket - it's amazing, really; even in summer, Chuck's cold.

#09 Red
The fact that it's the red of Casey's blood on his hands, scares Chuck more than the intersect and Fulcrum and evil ninja assassins altogether - he can't lose him.

#10 Drink
After the third drink, Casey stops serving him; a tipsy Chuck is an affectionate Chuck, but a drunk Chuck usually passes out as soon as they get home.

#11 Midnight
He finds Chuck sitting out in the courtyard at midnight, and drops heavily next to him, handing the nerd a bottle of beer as they listen to the celebrations inside - Casey mutters, "Happy New Year," and Chuck just snorts and thinks of another year with the intersect and getting nearly killed every single day.

#12 Temptation
Sometimes, it's tempting for Chuck to want to give in, to ask them to whisk him away somewhere cold and dark - to save Ellie and Awesome and Morgan and everyone else - but, he thinks of never seeing Casey again, and it stops him in his tracks.

#13 View
Chuck's been to Sarah's apartment a few times, with its gorgeous view across the city; he resents it, until the day he realises he can see Casey doing weights from his bedroom window every Thursday - Sarah's view suddenly doesn't seem important when he can watch Casey's muscles flex like that.

#14 Music
Chuck knows it's a good day when, instead of arguing about how he should stay in the car, or how Casey never tells him anything, or how one day they're both going to end up dead, all they can muster up to snipe at each other about is stupidity and music.

#15 Silk
Chuck frowns at the material under his hands, muttering "New suit?" as Casey nips down his neck; he replies with, "Silk," trying not to remove his mouth for too long - Chuck smiles, arching his back wantonly; "S'gonna look better on the floor," he moans.

#16 Cover
Casey doesn't think it's fair, that Sarah and Chuck have to pretend to be a couple, to protect their cover; but then, it's not like that's jealousy talking, or anything.

#17 Promise
Sarah promises she'll always protect him, but it's Casey he goes to when he flashes now; after all, Casey never chose an old flame over Chuck, did he?

#18 Dream
Through the headphones, Casey can hear Chuck muttering; knows he's sleeping; knows it's because of the mission - he wakes him up by running a hand over his brow and down his face, and tells him it's okay, it will always be okay, he's just dreaming, that's all.

#19 Candle
Casey doesn't celebrate his birthday; he doesn't tell anyone about it; he doesn't expect anyone should know, so, when Chuck shows up outside his apartment holding a cupcake with a single candle stuck in the top of it, he doesn't know whether to be annoyed (at the kid's obvious meddling), exasperated or incredibly, incredibly pleased.

#20 Talent
Chuck's good at a lot of things, Casey has to grudgingly admit, but - he never thought his babbling nerd could do that with his tongue - that's some kind of talent, he's got.

#21 Silence
Chuck really, really needs to keep quiet - so, of course, he just can't stop talking; Casey curls his hand around the back of the nerd's neck and pulls him in for a deep, bruising kiss, which, when he breathlessly pulls away, keeps Chuck silent for the rest of the stake-out.

#22 Journey
Their relationship is a bit like a journey, Chuck thinks, but now they've hit a speed bump and the car has stalled - he looks across at Casey's dark apartment and considers that, whilst the agent won't speak to him, he has no choice but to listen.

#23 Fire
He bites down on Casey's shoulder as the agent thrusts up one final time, letting out a wordless cry as he comes; they both collapse onto the blankets a few moments later, the sweat cooling on their bodies, the fire chasing away all the cold still hiding in the corners of the cabin.

#24 Strength
Everyone looks at Casey and see a man who's physically strong, intimidating; Chuck looks at him and sees a man that is emotionally strong (because he did deal with Ilsa's death, even if there is the whole 'anger' thing), and who is smarter than he appears - John Casey is, to Chuck, strong inside and out.

#25 Mask
Casey's worn a mask since the day he joined the army - hell, probably even before that - but it seems like Chuck's just prising it off, bit by bit.

#26 Ice
They go on holiday to Vancouver in the winter; Ellie and Awesome, Chuck and Casey, because Sarah is off somewhere else; and Casey watches as Chuck takes to ice skating the way he's never taken physically to anything else - the spinning and jumping matches his long, lean body, and Casey thinks that it's also really, really hot.

#27 Fall
When Chuck tells Casey he's glad he catches him when he falls, Casey finds himself wishing that he didn't have to say that - he wants it so that Chuck never falls again.

#28 Forgotten
Three months pass; three months in a plain, boring cell, and Chuck realises that everyone's forgotten - everyone has to have forgotten, because he'll never believe they've decided to leave him; when he hears the quiet, serious, "Chuck," resound around the room, he almost cries in relief.

#29 Dance
Casey will never tell; when he watched Chuck dancing the girl's part of the tango, he let his eyes roam all the way up those long legs and over that skinny ass - well, he's always been an ass man.

#30 Body
The first time is fast and hurried - they're both glad to be alive and just need to feel each other; the second, Chuck lets his hands slowly wander over the planes of Casey's chest and abdomen, taking his time to get to know every single inch of his lover's body.

#31 Sacred
Casey decides, as punishment, that Chuck has to clean his car, properly; his throat goes dry as he watches the nerd's hands ghost reverently over the vehicle, and before Chuck can even wash all the suds off, Casey's pulled him into the apartment and is kissing his way down his chest - Chuck smiles and hopes to be punished more often.

#32 Farewells
Chuck is resigned to the fact that, eventually, he will have to say goodbye to either Casey and Sarah, or his family, or possibly (after the incident with Longshore) both; he just trusts that, should he not get the chance (which seems more likely in regards to Ellie, Awesome or Morgan than his handlers), Casey will tell them all how much they meant to him - and will know how much he means to him.

#33 World
Casey's travelled the entire world, twice over; he's never met anyone quite like Chuck.

#34 Formal
When Chuck first sees Casey in his dress blues, he wants to drag him to the nearest bedroom and have neither of them leave for at least twenty-four hours, so, it's a surprise when instead, Casey pushes Chuck up against the wall, thrusting against his hip as he growls, "Never thought you'd look so good in a tux, Bartowski."

#35 Fever
When Chuck visits to find out why Casey isn't at the Buy More, and finds him curled up on his couch, with a massive temperature, he calls in sick himself and sits with his handler until the fever breaks.

#36 Laugh
Most of the time, Chuck doesn't like laughing with the other nerds in the Buy More when Casey's around - it makes him feel flustered, like they're back in high school and he's just a geek and Casey's some cool kid; the first time Casey joins in, Chuck's laugh is the most honest thing he's ever heard.

#37 Lies
Chuck's never been so angry as when Casey's lies almost get several people at the Buy More (including Morgan) killed; he triple locks his window and crushes every bug he finds in his room - Casey doesn't come by, all night.

#38 Forever
They both know it's not forever; too much danger, too much responsibility; so they don't mention it, just take advantage of the time they've got.

#39 Overwhelmed
Casey's never been the sort of guy to have commitment issues (hence the signing up for the army for as long as possible as soon as possible), but even he finds it easy to be overwhelmed when Ellie, Awesome, Morgan, Anna, Jeff, Lester, Sarah and Bryce decide to watch his every move, to make sure he doesn't hurt Chuck.

#40 Whisper
Casey's asleep, one arm thrown across Chuck's waist possessively, so Chuck allows himself to whisper, "I wish we could stay this way forever," and falls asleep without noticing that Casey's breath is stuck somewhere in his chest, the arm tightening slightly as he finally breathes again and replies, "Me too."

#41 Wait
"Wait," Chuck breathes, pulling his mouth away from Casey's; his voice goes higher on the last word of, "Why are you doing this?, which is probably because Casey has shoved his hands down Chuck's pants - Casey smirks and replies, "I got sick of waiting around for you, Bartowski."

#42 Talk
Sarah has the Talk with Chuck as soon as she realises - tells him not to let Casey hurt him; Chuck says he won't, and that is that - she beats the crap out of Casey, instead; they don't talk, but he knows exactly what she's saying.

#43 Search
Every year, on the anniversary of getting rid of the intersect, Chuck takes two weeks off from the Buy More, visiting the most remote or unusual place he can find - it's been five years, and he still hasn't found Casey.

#44 Hope
When Chuck says, "You love me, John Casey," and Casey goes to his angry centre, all hope dies in the nerd's chest; when Casey climbs in through the window later that night and says that it could maybe be true, Chuck believes that anything is possible.

#45 Eclipse
Casey realises pretty soon into their relationship that Chuck will do anything for him; he'd move the sun and the moon if he had to.

#46 Gravity
The gravity of the situation only hits Casey when he shoots at the image of Chuck and misses, wondering just when he developed feelings, never mind when he let them interfere with his job.

#47 Highway
There's no way out, so Casey hands Chuck the keys to his car, and tells him to, "Hit the highway and don't look back."

#48 Unknown
A few years after the mission is over, after the intersect returns to just being a giant computer in a room somewhere, Casey looks up Chuck, only to receive the words: TARGET UNKNOWN, on his screen; he smiles sadly to himself, remembering the nerd who became a spy.

#49 Lock
"Uhhhh... Casey, we may have a problem here," Chuck mutters; he looks at the agent who is resting his head on his chest and pulls his arm forwards slightly, frowning as the handcuff stays attached to the headboard- "Where exactly did you throw that key?"

#50 Breathe
There's unknown panic rising in Casey's chest; he skids to a stop next to Chuck, putting pressure on the gunshot, ignoring the sticky warm feeling of blood on his hands; "Breathe, Bartowski, breathe-" Chuck smiles weakly; tries to talk; "Just breathe, Chuck, breathe for me," his heart freezes as Chuck's eyes glass over and his breathing finally stops.

nc-17, fic, 1sentence, chuck/casey, 1sentence: never forever

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