Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

Jul 15, 2009 23:26

Oh man am I gonna be tired tomorrow! As I'm still a little wound up from post-movie coffee (er, even though we had caramel apple non-coffee things) I may as well babble about the movie a bit. Random out-of-order nearly stream-of-conscience type rambling beneath the cut.


harry potter

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Comments 53

hourglassfull July 16 2009, 06:42:46 UTC
I'm being careful not to actually read the spoilerness. I'm jealous. I neeeeeeed to go.


lumy12 July 16 2009, 13:21:45 UTC
When do you get to go????

And HEEE your icon.


queen_meep July 16 2009, 07:54:50 UTC
I LOVED Luna in this one!

I only saw two people dressed up for my premiere. There was a chick with a Gryffindor scarf, and two chicks dressed up in some weird... quidditch cheerleader outfits?! Gryffindors, too. FIGURES!

I was a tad annoyed with the teen romance stuff, though... but felt it broke up the drama pretty nicely... most of the time.


lumy12 July 16 2009, 13:23:04 UTC
But the romance was cute! And come on, they're 16! :D

I don't remember the Gryffindor hat Luna wore but my friend said that was in the book. Heh.


archerstar July 16 2009, 07:56:34 UTC
- Kinda wanted more Ron/Ginny action...not sure I like how they changed up their kiss scene... but it was good.

*cough* I think you mean Harry/Ginny, unless I reaaaaaally don't remember something from the books.


lumy12 July 16 2009, 13:18:04 UTC

I should have waited 'til the morning to write, I think! *snerk*


zigsternenstaub July 16 2009, 08:14:37 UTC
Lol Ron/Ginny. I might actually have to start liking Ginny some more if she's that kinky;)


lumy12 July 16 2009, 13:18:50 UTC
Ahaha I fail! OOOOPS.

I'm not even a Luke/Leia shipper.


ascendingflame July 16 2009, 11:46:58 UTC
Okay, couldn't resist, because I thought, "Hey, you've read the book, what can she tell you you don't already know except whether to expect an aweful or a sucking film?" *LOL*

Uhm... Ron/Ginny action and a kiss scene? Don't you mean Harry/Ginny?? I hope Ron didn't kiss his sister! (Isn't it enough we had that in StarWars??? *LOL*)

I totally don't remember the DD sentence you're talking about and I've just read the book. Uhm... Guess we all remember the things that mean most to us personally - which would be different for each of us, naturally :)

7 hours until I can see the film...


lumy12 July 16 2009, 13:20:56 UTC
Well, at least my little typo got me some extra comments. LOL

Oh now I have to go find the exact quote! (and page #!)

Have fun!!!

ETA: Found it!! Page 578: "I am not worried, Harry," said Dumbledore, his voice a little stronger despite the freezing water. "I am with you."

Guh. LOVE that. I feel like that's where DD passes the torch to Harry, so to speak.


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