❧ Putting on the Ritz - *Special event*

Jul 06, 2010 13:16

[around 1 p.m., no matter where you might be at the time, a text message and a photo attachment are sent to every CAT unit and read as follows:]

To celebrate the septicentennial of Luministi's founding, all new residents have been invited to a special dinner just for them at the newly opened treehouse restaurant known as The Chrysalis. This ( Read more... )

*plot: happy birthday luministi, #season one, !mod

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tearfulyandere July 7 2010, 04:01:43 UTC
[He's got himself a cola and a plate of nibbles of various types, and is just stood contentedly somewhere near the edge of the room, trying different things. It's fun watching people, and although there aren't many here yet, it's still fun to play at guessing what they're doing. He only really recognises one of them, but he's not that good at stepping forwards per se and it's not as if he's unhappy or uncomfortable with what's happening. He doesn't tend to go out to parties much, so he's dressed up the only way he knows how. In his military uniform. Everyone else seems so dressed up, but at least he's made an effort, so that'll have to do he supposes.]


wind_of_reason July 9 2010, 03:48:32 UTC
[If she could hear that thought, she'd be very flattered ^^]

No, no, don't worry. You look very nice.
I'm guessing that the uniform is from Latvia? (Now that is a statement of the obvious.)

I'm wearing clothes from my country too. It's... oddly amazing what they have available to buy here.


tearfulyandere July 9 2010, 08:08:11 UTC
[once she got her mind around the idea of being a country that is...]

Umm.. it's my own special uniform. Y.. you see... I don't want to scare my people... if they see me in the streets, I would not really blend in that well, but if I was wearing an army uniform... they might get upset that I was too young to fight ja?

[he laughs lightly and takes a drink from his coke, even if it is a little flat for his liking now.]

Ja, they seem to have a lot of things, but... I'm a little shy to go in to the shops to be honest...


[Oh, gosh I'm loling over Raivis and the Doctor <3] wind_of_reason July 10 2010, 00:02:01 UTC
[ooc-ish: She has a floating continent in Cephiro named after her spirit Windam. Does that count? XD]

[Aww, who could ever imagine little Raivis as scary? But she feels she could somewhat understand not wanting to show a military face when at peace. And he most certainly looks too young to fight. (But then, doesn't she herself?)]

[She's a little surprised that he is shy -of all things - to go into the shops!]

Well, if you would like to go, I'd be happy to come with you! Shopping is much more fun with company anyways!


Re: [Poor Doctor is a similar height to Russia.] tearfulyandere July 10 2010, 07:06:02 UTC
[Ooc-ish: Hmm... you'd have to ask her how she feels about that:-P]

R.. really?

[He grins wide at that, his eyes lighting up hopefully.]

Y... you'd really... really go in with me? Seriously?

[It's almost as if he's expecting her to say no. To claim it was all a joke.]


[Aww. But the Doctor has good advice about how to get taller!] wind_of_reason July 10 2010, 22:36:02 UTC
[ooc-ish: She feels flattered and a little pleased, but is all the same very glad it's not named after herself. ^.^ To be personified as a country, she'd feel... immense responsability.]

[Ohh~ how his eyes lit up, she couldn't help herself. She reaches over to fluff Raivis' hair.]

Of course! And I always mean what I say. [Firm nod.] It sounds like we'll have some nice free time during this festival, so we'll go together.


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tearfulyandere July 8 2010, 09:35:53 UTC
[He smiles as Sophie walks towards him, he's actually quite calm at the moment, it's nice to have people around that aren't trying to attack him, and after all the danger beforehand, it's even better that he's able to relax at last.]

Thank you...

[He glances at her curiously for a moment when she blushes, was she embarrassed, at paying him a compliment? How strange, he offers her a soft smile aimed just at her in the hopes that that will help her not feel so awkward, even if her stammering like he normally does is quite amusing for the young Baltic.]

Thank you very much. This is my people's uniform at the moment ja? I think it suits me quite well.

[He doesn't mind being called a prince, it really does seem to be the closest equivalent anyone here has of what he is, he supposes his boss would probably be called the King to their standards.]


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tearfulyandere July 8 2010, 21:49:07 UTC
[He frowns slightly for a moment, thinking on how best to answer this one.]

I have fought in battles it is true... hmm... I suppose you could say I am soldier for my people ja...


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tearfulyandere July 9 2010, 07:51:23 UTC
One day... One day I hope not to be anymore...

[The small Baltic smiles gently at the thought of a world where fighting and war is no longer a necessary thing. A soft sigh escapes his mouth before he brings himself back to reality again.]

Right now though, where I live, we are in the very middle of a big war, I know Russia hopes to join Germany and aid him in fighting, unless...

[He thinks for a moment, biting his lower lip slightly as he realises he has no way of knowing how much time has passed in his own world, or even if any time is passing at all, this entire thing is far too strange for him to work out, it's like something right out of a fantasy novel.]

Unless he's already done so... if that's the case, I guess I won't be meeting Ludwig any time soon...


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tearfulyandere July 9 2010, 17:42:29 UTC
How old? Umm.. w... well.. th.. that is...

[ Damn. How was he supposed to explain this one? Appearance wise he was fifteen, he knew that, certainly as far as the other countries were concerned that was all he was as well, but... well, countries age differently to people. That was all that was to it. How best to explain.. besides, he wasn't sure he could even fully recall how long he'd been on his planet for now.]

I'm... I'm not quite sure how to answer that... I'm sorry...

[He looks at her, frowning for a moment in response to hers, then softly he smiles.]

I guess best answer... I'm young for a country and old for a person ja?


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tearfulyandere July 10 2010, 07:04:10 UTC
Umm well... not exactly... It's the same for a lot of those like me in my world though... I... I don't think the other Baltics really know either... I... I know it is in the thousands...


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