❧ Happy Birthday Luministi!

Jul 03, 2010 13:11

[no matter where the residents are when their CAT units begin to beep, about three seconds later, they will find themselves falling asleep where they stand--or where they're sitting or even in mid-stride--and the next minute, residents will wake up to a town that has greatly changed once again. how they fell asleep is anyone's guess...]

[just then, before anyone can access their CATs properly, the CATs and all vidscreens turn on, a video montage of the town leading up to the town hall fills the screen with a different accompanying tune this time, and soon shows the face of the smiling Mayor Caligin. he doesn't seem to show any sign of distress from the recent invasion of his town. in fact, he looks really excited, if that extra little twinkle in his eye is any clue.]

Greetings, citizens of Luministi! As most of you are aware, we're nearly upon the anniversary of the town's founding--that is, the day this very town was established, for all our new residents out there--and the town council and I have decided we're going to start things a bit early this year! [as if on cue, a bunch of confetti begins raining down on him] Starting right now--yes, right now!--the Founder's Day Festival has begun, but ahhhh, we still have some surprises in store for you. After all, the real Founder's Day has yet to come. This year's festival has graciously been funded by the Resarci Medical Clinic, so do be sure to stop by and thank the fine people down there for all their work!

Instead of me wasting any more of your time, here is a little flyer explaining the features of this year's festival--but really, the best way to see what's there is to come on down to the town square or even stop by the park. There is something for everyone to enjoy and we do hope you all enjoy the festival. It is, after all, very special. [for a split second, something flickers in the mayor's eyes, a hint of melancholy briefly betraying the excitement in his voice]

So enjoy the festivities and have a wonderful day, Luministi!

[and as promised, an image of the flyer appears on all screens and devices the moment the mayor is done speaking, automatically being saved in the databank of every CAT]

❧ Plot Details: Happy Birthday Luministi!
    It seems the arrival of the festival has drawn back the townspeople! Everything is up and moving again--and just in time! Mysteriously, though, the statues have disappeared completely from their self-made posts of the last week, and they, along with the topiary animals, have found their home once again in the botanical gardens. The plants have also gone back to their original, orderly states, and the buildings no longer show any signs of the attacks or overgrowth. All in that minute of lost time... How strange!

    But as the mayor said, there is now a festival going on! Think of this as a week long plot break--a week where your characters can enjoy a bit of time off from all the strange goings-on about town. Or most of them, anyway. The townspeople won't react at all to the news that there had been statues and little topiary chihuahuas going around trying to hurt the new residents. Such things are unheard of!

    The event listings in the flyer is really only the beginning to what can be seen and found. All events will be kept to the town square, the park/town pavilion, and the patch of land adjoining the clinic. Food vendors and the bake sale items are around the town square, some contests like a pie eating contest and watermelon smashing/eating ones are being held in the park, along with the odd foot races around town and such (sadly, this means all club activities are suspended for the week), and all carnival rides and games are near the clinic. Thankfully, the clinic was built with soundproof glass so if you're ever exhausted, head there for a breather! Of course, for those consenting adults who wish to bring the party elsewhere, the pub has several rooms open and they're always discrete. All food and drinks are being offered at discounted prices by the various restaurants in town, and there is even a drinks tent where Audrey or Andre can be seen doling out a variety of types of drinks.

    Carnival rides are your basic ones: ferris wheel, wooden rollercoaster, tilt-o-whirl, bumper cars, etc. The lines aren't ever too bad; thank goodness the town population is fairly small, huh? In the midway, all sorts of games can be found, like those mentioned here. Oh yes, and that dunk tank takes volunteers if anyone wishes to spend an hour or so being dunked into the tank!

    Nightly fireworks won't begin until Tuesday, though And that is when our special one-day event will be occurring! More details when that time arrives, but keep an eye out for a new post for the event! You really won't want to miss it. As for that historical display, well, you'll have to wait until then as well...

    For other kinds of events that can take place besides the ones we've mentioned above, you can check out here, here, and here for ideas. If you're unsure about what might be allowed, please ask!

    But go on and have fun! You all deserve it after such a hectic month, and you may want to take the time now for a bit of relaxation. Never know when you might next get any...


    Now, however, for a little business before we draw this post to a close. It is time for an activity check! Oh yes, always our favorite thing too.

    For the Activity Check, copy the coding below that applies to you (one entry and two threads or simply five threads) and post it as a comment to this entry. Players who are on a current hiatus or were accepted into the game within the last two weeks are exempt from the activity check.

    This activity check will remain open for one week, after which point characters who have not yet responded will have only another week before, unfortunately, they are removed from the game.

    And just a note, the CATs section of the FAQ has been updated again recently to clear up any sort of confusion there may be.

    If you have any questions or comments about anything in this plot post, please let us know!

!activity check, *plot: happy birthday luministi, #season one, !mod

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