May 14, 2011 22:41

[There is a man in a plain back, two button suit and tie, with well polished shoes who is currently pacing in front of the statue in the town square. His close cropped brown hair is left slightly mussed as he absently runs a hand through it, muttering softly under his breath.]

This is too elaborate for him. I stopped him. So this is something else, something far more complex. The Mayor isn't available, I've heard that before. [He makes a face]

What am I talking about I've used that before!

[he is still pacing, not noticing the drums that he hears constantly in his own mind are now audible outside of those confines. his step falters as the realization dawns on him and he whirls quickly, clearly thrown. His voice is soft.] What...? No, no that's not...

[Then louder] I don't take well to being toyed with.

[Again, he thinks he hears the sound of the infernal noise behind him and he turns, barely resisting the urge to growl in frustration. With effort, he takes a breath, reigning himself back under control. He meticulously smooths out his hair, then his suit, and ends with straightening his cuffs.]

Very well, since answers do not seem to be forthcoming, I suppose I'll just have to wait. I hope it isn't for too long. I have far more important things to attend to that don't involve my staying in this ridiculous, if seemingly quaint, setting.

*plot: and now for something..., [doctor who] the master-simm (au), #season two

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