Diacon H/D Drabble and Beta-help needed...

Aug 03, 2011 20:26

 I've been writing quite a bit, since before Diacon but during and after as well. So. Finally time to start posting some things!

This one is a ficlet I wrote at Diacon for one of the 15-minute-prompts. I have to admit, I didn't actually complete it in 15 minutes :p But the idea was born in the Diacon common room.

The prompt: Postcard. (Thank you little_werewolf )

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fandom, merlin, harry/draco, harry potter, betahelp, diacon alley, fan fiction

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Comments 7

enchanted_jae August 4 2011, 02:28:45 UTC


lullabylily August 4 2011, 06:39:57 UTC
Thanks :D


nenne August 5 2011, 20:18:19 UTC
No postcards then? ;)

I enjoyed this.


lullabylily August 5 2011, 21:31:00 UTC
Nope, no time for postcards :-)

Thanks so much for reading and commenting! <3


dark_kana August 5 2011, 22:10:37 UTC
As promised ... A comment. ^^ Just wanted to say firstly that I'm looking really forward to that other fic you mentioned here above... :p

Anyway ... I love this one. Made me smile. Gosh, they are just so ... Just so .. <3

"You mean you don't want to spend the entire afternoon on a futile hunt for owls?" Draco asked, managing to sound as innocent as was possible for a Malfoy *grins*

Love it! Really. ^^


lullabylily August 7 2011, 19:17:02 UTC
Yay! You had time to read and comment! :D
I know you're looking forward to that little fic :-) I hope I'll be able to get riventhorn to beta it once she's back...

I'm glad you liked this drabble! I had a LOT of fun writing it ^^ Diacon was definitely inspiring!


(The comment has been removed)

lullabylily August 7 2011, 19:14:28 UTC
Thanks so much!!! <3


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