Title: Immersed Fandom: Fringe Paring: Astrid/Olivia Rating: T Setting: Season two, after The Man From The Other Side but before Brown Betty Word Count: 1461 Summary: Rub a dub dub, a girl in the tub; how do you think she got there?
I've written a tonne of fic lately, but they're all over LJ, so here's they all are. All of these contain spoilers, adult situations like whoa, and probably other things your mother warned you about.
Title: The Gravity of Moments Characters: Erica Evans / Olivia Dunham Fandom: V (2009) / Fringe Crossover Word Count: 3176 Rating/Warnings: Mature; femslash ahead. A/N: Includes an Alternate Happy Ending A/N II: With thanks to the endless beta efforts of lo_duclavier, justanotherfic and jonbacca
Title: In Heat Fandom: Fringe Paring: Astrid / Olivia Rating: R Word Count: 1770 Author's Note: For lo_duclavier who is my muse in all things, especially ice cream. xD Summary: Ah, summer, what power you have to make us suffer and like it.
I've been writing Astrid/Olivia Fringe femslash all day and working on an icon I think is quite snazzy when I wanted my co-worker's attention, so I looked up and said "Astrid!" *headdesk* Luckily, she's Japanese and had no idea who I was talking about.