Title: Into the Night
Author: Lule-bell
Paring: Peter/Olivia
Rating: Suitable for all eyes
Word Count: 100
A/N: I lost this drabble, then found it uploaded to Kahlan Kindle, further proof she's a superhero. This was written for
fringeficfest under the X-Files prompt.
A three am drive from one lonesome field to another, her in the driverʼs seat, him in the passengerʼs. She was starting to regret not letting him drive - “Iʼm not as tired as I look” - she foolishly argued and now her eye lids fought gravity and inevitable darkness. He racked his brain for a story:
“You know, weʼre just like Mulder and Scully?”
It caught her attention. “How?”
“You know. Investigating weird things all over. Traveling from one place to another.”
“You donʼt call me by my last name though.”
“No. I could start.”
She smiled. “I think itʼs fine.”