Title: Adventures in Continuity
Author: Lule-Bell
Rating: G
Characters: Goren / Eames, and a few others.
Summary: If two cars driving opposite directions, one at the speed of 567 km/hr and the other at a speed of 7 km/hr, what time will they pass each other?
A/N: This is for
havers because she encouraged me to do so and with special thanks to my beloved beta
Tseecka who drew me a map.
At a traffic light, two cars, one black SUV and one rental car pull up beside one another:
“You lost?” The passenger of the SUV asked the driver of the rental.
“No. My partner and I are on a case. We’re looking for evidence of paranormal activity.
“My partner and I are looking at the motives and psychology behind a case.”
They narrowed their eyes.
The light turned green.
The driver of the rental drove straight; the driver of the SUV turned her car right:
“Who was that, Mulder?”
“Some wack-job.”
“Who was that, Bobby?”
“Someone spooky.”