Player Information
Name: Gabby
LJ Username:
butterflyvisionContact Info:
AIM: GabBaka
MSN/EMail saucylittleminx[at]gmail[dot]com
Character Information
Name: Lucille Anne Sharpe
LJ Username:
lucysharpeHouse: Slytherin
Year: 6th
Age: 16
Birthdate: July 4
Zodiac Sign / Description: Cancer!
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Comments 5
katypage = totes dormies. I'd say they are friends, but at the same time are complete bitches to one another. But if someone else tried to mess with Lucy, she'd totally have her back.
edmcmillan = I still want to say they grew up near each other, but ixnay on the old crush and I want to say he saw her somewhat as a little sister. But he's a half, so I don't know how well they got along, even though he never advertised his bloodline. Maybe they were close until she found out and now she denies caring about him at all?
eruditetwin - HAAAAAATE. Oh, man, I predict some spectacular bitch-fights. She could so take Ellie in a duel, too, since her reflexes SUCK.
I don't think she'd know my others?
And... I agree. Though, privately she'd be nice (though, I doubt he appreciates it much :P), but if anyone were to ask her about it, she'd deny, deny, deny.
omg. bitchfights ROCK and she'd hate Ellie too. >:D So that'd be a blast.
She's not the BEST at Runes, but she'll put an effort into it because... yes. Very attractive.
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