A Whole Bunch of Sketchbook Paintings and Me Talking About Them.

Jun 12, 2011 00:41

Last week I was stranded at the airport when my plane was delayed 6 hours. It gave me loads of opportunities to draw/paint peeps, so I was probably the only happy one in the gate.

When I'm home, there are lots of pressing things I need to do, so I don't get to just sketch much unless I'm stuck somewhere. I've been doing a lot more sketching from life lately, and trying to spend more time just sitting and observing and drawing. It's been making me really happy.

The Amazons Encounter the Snake of Sexual Harassment! I drew this once I was on the plane (sitting on the tarmac for 2 hours), after I'd had enough of listening the the drunk businessmen make obnoxious smalltalk with each-other while they waited for the plane to take them to their presentation in the Chicago suburbs. Ugh.

More sneaky life-drawing. This time at one of my favorite Chicago cafes, Wormhole, which in sci-fi themed and has an ACTUAL DELOREAN in the window. The bottom right fretting person is my friend Lonnie.

Nora and I went to a craft/movie night last night. We watched the newly remastered E.T. and every person in the room freaked out about the creepy CGI E.T. What the HELL!? Who LIKES that scary stuff?
Puppets-4-Life, yo.

(PS: E.T. came out 3 years before I was born, which didn't stop me from watching it about 4 million times as a child, except that my mom would usually turn it off before the scary government parts. She'd do the same with "The Sound of Music" before the nazi part).

An TCAF jam I found in the back of my sketchbook from April!

I did the first panel from an album cover on the wall of the bar.

The next is definitely Jess Fink, but it was the end of the weekend when everyone is deliriously tired and plus a little drunk that night and I'm not sure who else contributed (though I'm pretty sure Jess finished it, too). I know John Martz and Tasha were there... Who else?

This is a verrrrry old drawing I did of my favorite Hunger Games characters. I couldn't remember if I'd posted it a year ago or not. Found it in a pile of stuff I was sorting and was like, "HEY! I think I drew this before the last book even came out!" I'm obviously really excited for the movies.

Thought I'd do a little (unscientific) floorplan of The Burrow, a la Julia Wertz's apartment drawings in
"Drinking at the Movies."

This has been an amazing place to live and work. I'll miss it a lot when I leave at the end of the summer to finally move back East to be near my family/publishers. But I've got the itch to roam and it's good to unbalance yourself to find new ways to balance.

Finally, a little drawing of the lovely Chris Colfer (my fave). (He's doing, "Single Ladies.") Nora and I went to Glee Live. It was a totally insane experience. A huge arena, totally full (of mostly teenaged girls), and the little tiny people from our television all huge and real-life-y. We were on the floor towards the back of the arena, but MUCH TO OUR SURPRISE, many of the numbers were partially performed on a mini-stage DIRECTLY BESIDE US. Our view:

God, remember when Chris Colfer was just an adorable round-faced kid? Not only is he gorgeous and mad talented, but he went from near total obscurity to changing America's perception of queer people and teens and bringing a vibrant gay character to prime-time television. It makes my tv-lovin' self all verklempt!

So of course, all I could do was clutch my heart like the little old lady I am and bask in his glow
while wishing I could pull off pants like that.
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