Mar 15, 2009 21:20
I know you are at work, so I'm leaving you a little note.
watch the youtube clip I emailed to you IMMEDIATELY.
also, dl the first (only?) ep of "Kings." dunno what it is without commercials, but at about the 75-minute mark with them, the Crown Prince turns into a HUGE MUFFIN. think, Chuck Bass-sized. and, for similar reasons.
gay is the new straight,
i watch too much tv
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Comments 1
Also, I will def d/l that episode (because OMG HAVE I NOT TOLD YOU ABOUT MY UNDYING LOVE FOR MICHAEL ARDEN????? (who I am guessing is going to be the Nate in this situation, given the small amount of reading I've done on "Kings") once I get up from going to bed. Since I have been up for almost 26 hours straight now, had 10 hours of sleep in the last 76 hours, and I still need to walk my dog before I completely collapse. Or puke. It's a toss up as to which is going to happen first.
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