Title: With Or Without You, Part 3/?
Fandom: BtVS
Characters/Pairing: In this part, Joyce, Buffy, Giles, Oz, Spike, Xander, Angelus/Willow
Rating: I'm going with NC-17 for some specific bits but most is PG-13
Concrit: Please, in comments
Disclaimer: They aren't mine, not yet. But they will be, once I've taken over the world. Bwah ha ha.
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Comments 10
Um, Xander a vampire so his idea of rescue? It's going to go bad and seriously not be happy.
Cute icon. Hadn't seen that one before.
Spike is marvellous - excellent voice and one which, of course, we rarely hear in fan fic where's he's usually post-chip. BTW - he wouldn't ever say ...tore off of her that sounds really funny to a British-bred ear. He'd say just '...tore off her'.
A couple of tyops (out of order, I'm sorry):
it was going to be a difficult sublect
It's just that Angelus' talking Willow (incidentally, I don't suppose I could talk you into using the apostrophe 's' instead of just the plural-type apostrophe, ie Angelus's could I? Pet peeve of mine, that!) I really heart you for recognising a gerund and the need for the possessive, here.
but my point was that we'd though his taking Xander there's the his, again, instead of him, wonderful! *hugs* but should be thought, not though.
Vampires are just so much fun to write! Octavia Butler created a different and fascinating vampire culture in her last book, either titled Fledge of Fledgling. Sad to lose such a great author.
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