Hi there!
In a sort-of-celebration of Ianto's birthday (as mentioned in Fragments) I have put together an epic picspam! It contains 60 images, but they aren't all that large so it should load okay. I suppose I should put a warning on this for a couple of naughty words, I didn't go overboard though.
Anyway, it's no secret that I heart Ianto Jones, so here is my picspam.
Ianto Jones
He looks good in a suit.
He also looks pretty hot in waistcoats.
And has some sexy casual wear.
And he looks positively edible in denim.
He also looks pretty damn gorgeous in any colour he wears:
Ianto Jones...
...has a thing for stopwatches:
'It's the button on the top'.
...considers orgies.
...really does do work, honest.
...has a passion for the cinema.
...stalks ur information offices.
...is brave.
...is a ninja.
...serves the tea.
...wouldn't have sex with Owen even if the end of the world was imminent.
...is a little bit emo.
...a little bit more emo.
...is best gal pals with Gwen. Look at them, seriously! Adorable!
...is a hacker (and probably a little bit pissed off that Gwen didn't mention him in her little note to herself. OMG BITCH DIDN'T MENTION ME! DELETE DELETE DELETE!
...holds pretty dresses against himself in wedding shops. Why?
...just might have a bondage kink.
...is spied on by sexy captains.
...is intense. Don't mess with Jack on his watch, folks!
...has a nice arse.
...sometimes stops arguing with Owen long enough to exhange 'wtf' looks with him.
...is not amused.
...knows more about the hub than anyone else...apart from the sleeper agents. But they were all destroyed so they don't count!
...gets a little bit lonely sometimes.
...has a lovely smile. Seriously, we need to see it more.
...problem solves while everyone else Owen is busy bitching.
...is insulted when you accuse Tintin of bestiality.
...gets snogged back to life by dashing immortal captains.
...has a gun.
...has......the same gun! But this time he shoots Owen with it. He looks so hot and dangerous in this scene.
...has been held at gunpoint on more than one occasion.
...gets snogged by dashing captains just before they piss off with time lords.
...trusts Jack completely.
...should eat more vegetables.
...lays on top of dashing captains just after meeting them.
...is who Jack came back for.
...is a cock tease.
...propositions his boss over the dead body of a former collegue, with a stopwatch.
...will fuck your shit up.
...has 101 uses for a hockeystick.
...dances with dashing captains at weddings (as well as being the DJ).
...is a flirt.
...has an innovative sex life.
...doesn't like it when you joke about coffee.
...has comfort hug time with Jack.
...reads cheerfully from his book of doom.
...is a good kisser.
...never wins at naked hide and seek.
...writes about certain parts of Jack's anatomy in his diary.
...is often overwhelmed.
...and ruins ur camping games.
Also. Ianto Jones is very, very cute and these are my leftovers:
The End
So, that's it! Anyone who actually got through all that gets a cookie! And a piece of birthday cake! Credit for the caps goes to
The Institute,
Marishna and
Striped Wall. Oh, and if anyone wants to use one of the images, feel free; no need to ask or anything.
cait_85 has made some awesome icons using my images and some quotes! So go and check them out, too! They're awesome!
See the icons here.
Thanks for reading!