Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 20

Aug 21, 2009 22:12

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 20

“Julie! Oh my god!” Lois latched on to Julie’s arm as she exited her classroom and pulled her over to the side of the corridor.

“What’s the matter?” Julie asked. “What’s happened?”

Lois looked at her in wide eyed amazement. “You’ll never believe it. I still don’t think I believe it and I saw him escorted out to the police car.”


“Tim Riggins!”


“Paige Foster is saying that he sexually assaulted her, that he forced her to have sex with him against her will!” Lois exclaimed.

Sure that she had misheard her friends explanation during which she’d said that Tim Riggins, her boyfriend had raped someone she said dumbly, “What?”

“I know! Last Friday, after the game! Can you believe that he would do something like that? There are enough girls around here that would spread her legs for him that he doesn’t actually need to go and rape one.”

“But last Friday…” Julie’s voice trailed off. Last Friday Tim had been with her.

“No one knows where he was. He wasn’t at Applebee’s, or at the after party, no one remembers seeing him. Supposedly he was with someone, well, actually that’s not right, his brother is saying that he was with someone but he doesn’t know who, but Tim has just been denying it, saying that he was all by himself and that Billy has no idea what he’s talking about.

They’ve had to take him down to the station for official questioning.”

“Billy?” Julie asked weakly.

“No! Tim! I told you, I saw them walk him down to Sheriff Clarke’s patrol car.”

“When was this?”

Lois glanced down at her watch. Shrugging she replied, “About half an hour ago.”

Without a second glance at her friend Julie turned and started marching down the corridor.

“Julie, where are you going?”


“Julie?” Tim asked in surprise seeing Sheriff Clarke open the door of the interview room and usher Julie in before closing it behind her. “What are you doing here?”

“What do you think I’m doing here?” Julie asked sarcastically. “You’ve been accused of sexual assault!”

Tim’s face went blank at the words, but he couldn’t wipe the look of betrayal out of his eyes. “You think-”

“Don’t be so fucking stupid!” Julie cursed at him too angry to mind her language at the moment. “Of course I know you didn’t frickin well touch her! What I can’t understand is why you’re letting everyone believe that!”

“I told them I hadn’t touched her!” Tim retorted defending himself.

“But why wouldn’t you say where you were?!” She asked feeling stung that he wouldn’t come clean about their involvement even in such dire circumstances.

“Why? Do you think Saracen would want you back if he found out about us? What about your parent’s reactions? What is the town going to think, Coach letting you get involved with Tim Riggins?”

“Screw my parent’s reactions Tim!” Julie screeched at him. “Paige Foster has accused you of sexually assaulting her! Of rape! I really think that that takes precedence over my parent’s reactions.”

“I notice you haven’t said anything about Seven though!” Tim growled, eyes flashing angrily.

“Are you shitting me?” She asked in disbelief.

Tim stared at her in stony silence.

Raking her hands through her hair in frustration, Julie muttered to herself, “I don’t believe this. Just what exactly is your problem with Matt?”

“First name terms now?” He remarked snidely.

“Fucks sake Tim!” She exploded. “We dated for a few months! I never even slept with him! You know that!”

“Yeah, he never got your V-card, nothing to stop you from screwing his brains out now though is there and hell, I sure wouldn’t know would I?”

For a second Julie was speechless. Had Tim really just accused her of sleeping with Matt? Of planning too?

An icy numbness spread throughout her body, freezing all the hurt, pain and anger in its tracks.

There really wasn’t any talking to him when he was in this kind of mood. Even that day when they’d had their first argument, they’d not gotten anything resolved until after that bout of mind numbing sex.

And right now, she was not having sex in the police station just so they could discuss further accusations about Matt.

She swallowed and then found the courage to speak, found the courage to look at him and took note of the way he was posed; leaning nonchalantly against the wall, arms crossed in front of his chest and a bored sneering expression pasted to his face.

“Y’know, if you want out Tim, just say so and I‘ll get out of your way.” Julie said quietly, also crossing her arms defensively across her body. “Don’t beat about the bush and make stupid, hurtful accusations when you know they're untrue.” Despite the way he reacted to keeping their involvement quiet and his hate of anyone coupling her name with Matt's he sure as hell didn't seem that interested in bringing their relationship out into the open!

“How do I know their untrue?” He enquired with a raised brow.

Julie looked at him steadily. “Y’know, I don’t think this has anything to do with Matt. I don’t think that you’re worried about my parent’s reactions or me. I think that you’re bored with screwing Coach Taylor’s daughter, the virginal goody two shoes and don’t want anything to come out that could damage you’re reputation, or even hint that you’re involved with me.

That’s what you’re afraid of. It wouldn’t be a problem if you’d fucked me one evening and then forgotten my name the following day. Then I’d just be another notch on the bedpost.

Not once have I said anything about Lyla, or Tyra, or any other girl that you’ve been involved with.”

“I don’t know that I’d agree with that. Paige Foster sure got your panties in a bunch when she was spreading rumours about having slept with me.”

Julie took a step back and rubbed a hand across the top of her chest as if to sooth a physical pain. He’d known how much that had hurt her. And he was deliberately using it against her. “You want it over Tim? That’s fine, you don’t have to be such a bastard about it.”

Thank god Sherriff Clarke had agreed to keep quiet about her relationship with Tim until she'd had a chance to tell her parents. It was one thing to tell them and face their rath knowing that she was fighting for something, for Tim, it was another thing for them to be hurt and upset over the past few months that she'd spent lying to them with nothing positive coming out at the end of it. At least if it came out while her and Tim were together they wouldn't have to hide anymore.

She dug her hand into her back pocket and pulled out the keys to his truck that she’d hijacked and driven down to the station. He’d always left the vehicle unlocked, with spare keys in one of the front compartments.

She tossed them at him with one last glance and could see clear as day that for him, nothing had changed.

It didn't look as if he cared at all. Biting her lip to keep the tears at bay, Julie swallowed hard and left the interview room.

Sheriff Clarke probably wanted to finish up some stuff with Tim, and he’s said that if needed to know anything else he’d be in contact.

As she left the building, she felt something slam into her body. She managed to stay on her feet by grabbing hold of the figure who’d also grabbed hold of her in an attempt to stay upright. As books and school equipment went flying, she tried to see who she’d knocked into but the sun was shining directly in front of her and all she could see was a vague outline.

She dropped down and began gathering her scattered belongings.

“Christ! I mean shit! I mean hell! I mean…”

“Sugar?” Julie offered.

“Uh, yeah.” The silhouette replied before falling silent.

Standing up she stepped to the side and her silhouette turned from a nameless shape into Billy Riggins who was looking at her with an expression on his face that she didn’t know how to describe. Trepidation perhaps?

His eyes darted towards the police building and then back to her. “Fuck.” He said bluntly.

“Yeah.” Julie responded knowing exactly what it was that he was cursing over now. It had finally clicked into place for him. “Can you give me a ride home?”

tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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