Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 19

Aug 21, 2009 22:09

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG15
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 19

“Tim.” Coach said gravely. “Take a seat son.”

Glancing around the principles office warily he dropped his backpack by the seat that Coach had motioned to and sat down.

His eyes darted at the people in the office, Coach, Mrs Coach, Billy, Sheriff Clarke, Principle Monroe.

They were all looking at him with various emotions, disbelief, disappointment. Hell, Billy could barely even look at him.

Frowning he looked over at Coach Taylor. “What’s going on Coach?”

“Riggins, do you know a girl by the name of Paige Foster?” Sheriff Clarke asked.

Eyes snapping away from Coach, Tim meet those belonging to the middle aged Sheriff. “Yeah.” He replied. “Why? What’s happened?”

“Now, normally when allegations of this nature are made, I’d have taken you straight down the station for questioning. But seeing as you’re such a well respected member of the community, I’ve decided to give you the benefit of the doubt and get your side of the story before we go down that route.”

Otherwise translated as because he is a member of the Dillon Panthers and their starting fullback, they're going to do as little as possible to jeopardise his starting position especially with the upcoming game against Arnett Mead.

“I don’t understand. What allegations?”

“Miss Foster is claiming that you sexually assaulted her. That you raped her.” Coach Taylor announced.

Stunned, Tim turned to face his Coach. “I what?”

“That you raped her, and sexually assaulted her.” Coach Taylor repeated.

“I’ve never touched her.” Tim said numbly, looking between the adults in the room. “Billy?” He said when his elder brother refused to meet his eye. “You know I didn’t touch her. Why would I?”

“I don’t know Tim! Hell,” his brother cursed. “I don’t know why you do half the stupid shit you do!”

“I didn’t touch her!” Tim said angrily, his voice rising. “I didn’t know who she was until the other week, ask the players, they had to point her out to me!”

“Tim, just calm down son.” Sheriff Clarke said softly. “If we really thought that you’d laid a finger on her you’d be down the station now, we’re just looking to find out what happened.”

“I’ve never touched her.” Tim said repeated his earlier words.

“Miss Foster is saying that you had a sexual relationship prior to the claimed assault that you later denied. Is that true son?”

“No. I’ve never touched her. She started rumours that she was the reason for my fight with Cortez the other week and that I’d slept with her, and I did deny those because none of it was true.”

“Miss Foster says that you’ve often spent time together at the parties after the football games and at the weekends.”

“We might have been at the same parties but I’ve never hung out with her.” A vision of rally girl approaching him and trying to slip into his lap before he pushed her away sprung to mind. “She approached me about a couple weeks ago but nothing happened. Landry, Tyra, Smash, and Saracen can all tell you that I sent her on her way.”

“Where were you last Friday Tim?” Sheriff Clarke asked.


“Where were you last Friday? It’s a simple question son. Where were you last Friday?” Sheriff Clarke pressed catching the first real crack in Tim’s composure. The question had caught the Fullback off guard and he’d frozen momentarily before trying to buy time and question the question.

“I was out.” Tim replied cagily.


“Over at the cliffs.”

The sheriff stared hard at him. “Anyone with you son that could collaborate with that?”

Licking his lips and desperately trying to think, Tim had to remind himself to breathe. Julie had been with him that evening. They’d been out at the cliffs at their usual spot, laughing, talking, teasing, having fun among other things. Enjoying the others company without having to look over their shoulder, or be careful what they said, how they touched. Away from any interruptions.

For a few all too brief hours he’d had her all to himself.

But no one knew about that.

No one knew about them.

People were going to believe what they wanted to believe, and he didn’t want Julie’s name being dragged down into the mud with his.

Didn’t want her parents find out about what their daughter had been up to with him like this.

Didn’t want anyone to find out what she’d been up to with him like this. She deserved better than being the next biggest scandal in his life.

There were tests and stuff that they could do wasn’t there? To prove he’d never touched Paige Foster.

“No one was with me.” He lied. “I was by myself, playing a few games of beer can golf.”

“All evening?”

Tim nodded. “All evening.”

“By yourself?”

“By myself.” Tim confirmed.

“No he wasn’t.” Billy interrupted bluntly, anger at his younger brother colouring his tone.

“Shut up Billy.” Tim growled glaring at the older man.

“No! Now is not the time to start lying to the cops because of some girl!” Yelled Billy as he raked a had through his hair.

“Shut up! You don’t know what you’re talking about! Friday evening I was by myself at the cliffs playing a few rounds of golf.”

“Tim, if someone was with you Friday evening I need to know. These are serious allegations.” Sheriff Clarke said seriously.

“No one was with me.” Tim insisted stubbornly.

“Tim, you either tell them about this girl, or I will.” His brother threatened.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. There is no girl.”

“Jesus Tim! Would you quit it!” Billy cursed at him losing his temper. “He’s involved with some girl. I don’t who she is or where she lives or even if she goes to this school. But she is the reason he got into a fight with Cortez, why he didn’t come home that night and when I brought it up the following morning he came close to decking me and warned me not to bring her into any arguments again. I’ve no doubt that he was with her on Friday night.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about Billy.” Tim said refuting the claims his elder brother was making.

“Tim,” Coach Taylor said gravely, “It’s important that you tell us exactly where you were on Friday night and exactly who you were with.”

He looked across at his Coach and matched his tone. “I already told y’all who I was with and where I was. Billy doesn’t know what he’s talking about.”

“Tim, if there is anything that might help your case, you need to tell us. Now. Otherwise Sheriff Clarke is going to have no choice but to escort you down to the station.” Tami said quietly, appealing to him for the first time during the conversation.

“Well, I guess I’ll be heading down to the station then won’t I?”

tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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