Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 18

Aug 21, 2009 22:05

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 18

As a member of the Dillon Panthers, Brian ‘Smash’ Williams has seen some sight’s before.

He didn’t think that any of those sights was going to stick in mind the way this one did though.

Not any of the threesomes, or the pool parties, or whatever other bizarre scenario he’d stumbled across; of which there had been plenty.

But this one…

This one was trouble with a capital T.

His earlier suspicions were being confirmed in ways that he didn’t want them confirmed.

Hell, he cursed, even a capital T didn’t describe the shit what was going to hit the fan when Coach found out.

Hell, the Coach had had problems with little Matt Saracen being involved with his daughter; who for a football player was about as pure as a newborn baby.

If he’d been that pissed at Saracen for taking an interest in his daughter, how he was going to react when he found out his daughter had been cuddled up with number Thirty-Three, fullback of the Dillon Panthers Tim Riggins didn’t bear thinking about.

Because Coach would find out.

Without a doubt.

Because the pair of them…they were serious…they’d been kissing.


If he’s stumbled across them having sex he’d have been more relieved. That would have meant that it was a one-time thing. Or a very short term fling that her father would never find out about.

But….they’d been kissing.

Just kissing.

There had been no groping.

No partial nudity.

No thrusting, grinding hips.

No nothing.

Nothing but long leisurely kisses for which it appeared they didn’t need to breathe. As if they had all the time in the world and nothing better to do.

As if they’d perfected the art a long time ago.

They’d been hidden in the far corner, surrounded by shadows sitting on one of the deck chairs.

If it hadn’t been for a flash of blonde hair he wouldn’t have thought anything of it and gone to investigate.

He’d wished he’d remained ignorant now, that he’d taken his beer and disappeared back into the party.

He didn’t fancy being the only one that knew anything about the pair of them.

He wouldn’t be that far behind Riggins to the guillotine if Coach Taylor found out that the Smash had known about Tim Riggins corrupting his precious little girl.

Not only would Coach be furious, but Saracen too, who was still hung up on little blonde goldilocks despite his involvement with other girls.

His chest clenched as he remembered the cracks in the locker room regarding Riggins Rally Girl, and he can't help but recall the look in Riggins eye and thanks god it was Cortez who was stupid enough to step in and make a series of stupid comments before he could.

The picture of them was burnt into his eyes, of Julie Taylor straddling his team-mate, her hands draped across his shoulders.

And Riggins…Riggins was worse!

His hand was buried in that mass of blonde hair, his fingers entangled within it while his other hand was resting on the small of her back tucked beneath the edge of her shirt. Just resting there, his fingers occasionally tracing a small pattern on the spot!

Shit. He cursed.

Riggins was in deep. Deep, deep, deep. He cannot stress to himself just how deep the hole Riggins was in actually was.

He never just made out with a girl for the sake of making out.

He should go and confront them.

Tell them that he knows, that they’ve been discovered.

He wants too.

But he doesn’t.

A part of him desperately wishes that Riggins will break away soon, that they’ll get busy groping and removing each others clothing before getting down to business. That this long makeout session is just the start of the things before they move onto something bigger and better.

He closes his eyes, counts to ten wishing this with every fibre of his being.

When he gathers the courage to open his eyes again though he is disappointed.

They still haven’t broken away from their lips.

Deep down though a part of him knows that this won’t happen.

He’d known that Riggs had a soft spot for the girl. Hell the entire school knew that. It wasn’t hard to figure it out when he’d beat up her date for not respecting her. He hadn’t realised that things were quite that way between them though.

And he refrains from interrupting them because he knows that will happen enough when they go public and they don’t need the hassle to start now. As much as he would like to confront the pair of them now, he hasn’t the heart to do it.

It’s as simple as that.

His heart jumps as they break away from each other, but then Riggins say's something, his voice too quiet for him to hear what it was, but Julie laughs lightly from her position in his lap and makes some remark back which cause's the Fullback's face to break out into a grin before he pulls her back down to him again.

Trouble with a capital T.

tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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