Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 17

Jul 09, 2009 15:50

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 17

“Everything alright Honey?” Tami asked her husband as he stared vacantly at the mashed potatoes on his plate, occasionally pushing them around with his fork.

Eric frowned and sucked in a deep breathe. “Riggins…” He said tapping his fork against his plate gently. His eyes narrowed, and the crease along his brow deepened all signs of him visibly thinking.

Tami swallowed the bite of food in her mouth thinking of the way the fullback had escorted their daughter down the hallway earlier that week and her conversation with Tyra in her office.

Now would be a good time to tell him, she thinks, now that Gracie is in bed and Julie is hanging out with some friends because hopefully by the time she arrives home Eric would have calmed down somewhat.

She should tell him. He’s her husband and they don’t keep secret’s between the pair of them.

Except that one about the pair of shoes she brought that actually cost one hundred dollars and not forty like she told him and that she’s only ever worn twice. Lovely though they are, the heels on them were a killer.

“What about Riggins?” She asked after clearing her throat and breaking one of the most sacred, long-standing rules at the dinner table. No talking about football.

“Something’s going on with him. I mean, he’s been turning up to practice on time mostly, and sober as well. I mean, that’s great, really great, and I’m not getting hassle off any of his teachers about his grades as much which is unusual enough in it’s self, but hey, maybe he’s just getting his act together right? I mean after that run in with Cortez?” He said and continued without waiting for an answer. “He’s working hard during practices and he’s dynamite during games at the moment but…” His voice trailed off.

“But?” Tami prodded taking a sip of water watching her husband closely.

“I’m worried about him.”

“Because he’s turning up to practice on time, sober and he’s playing well during games?” Tami clarified.

“Yes. No.” He said changing his mind. “Well yes. Do you know what he did today?” Eric asked his wife.

Shaking her head, Tami replied, “No.”

“They fumble the ball six times, they run twelve suicides. Two suicides for each fumble right?”

“Right,” she agreed.

“He smirks.” Said Eric while shaking his head. “Next exercise, four tackles missed. Eight wind-sprints punishment. Some all the players don’t do them properly; they start again from the beginning.”

“Right,” Said Tami wondering where her husband was going with this.

“He’s grinning!” Eric exclaimed. “Over twenty five suicides and wind-sprints and he’s grinning this shit eating grin as if he’s just won state! Even Street’s looking at him like he’s crazy!”


“Where’ve you been?” Tim muttered before kissing her and preventing her from answering his question.

Her eyes drifting shut, Julie stretched up against him, wrapping her arms about his neck as she lost herself in the kiss. With a small whine of protest as he pulled away, Julie pouted up at him.

His eyes dark, Tim smiled down at her, his hands curving around the contours of her butt into her back pockets and squeezing at the flesh.

“One.” He announced with a self-satisfied smirk licking his lips.

“What?” Julie asked, her mind going completely blank.

“That counts as one.” Tim said slowly. “You owe me another twenty four.”

Narrowing her eyes, Julie wondered if it was possible that her father really had issued a total of twenty-five suicides and wind sprints, and then realises yes, he would and that she was stupid of even thinking that he wouldn’t.

“Uh huh,” she said, “And were any of these issued as punishment?”

Grinning devilishly at her, Tim shook his head. “Are you trying to renegade on our deal Jules?”

“I’m just making sure that I’m not been played.” She answered.

“I am known for being a cheat?”

“No.” Julie answered decisively. “But you are known for a lack of principles and doing what you have too, to ensure you get what you want.”

“Be that as it may,” Tim replied, “It don’t change the fact that you owe me another twenty-four kisses.”

“‘Doesn’t’ Tim, ‘it doesn’t change the fact.’” Julie corrected his English with a laughing smirk and twinkling eyes. “You got a place in mind for me to repay these twenty-four kisses?”



tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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