Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 16

Jul 09, 2009 15:48

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 16

“Tyra,” Mrs Taylor called from her office doorway, “Can I talk to you for a moment hun?” She asks.

Wondering what exactly Mrs T wanted now, Tyra walked over to the guidance office and closed the door behind herself. She’d not skipped class recently, and her marks were improving. What was so pressing that Mrs T needed to speak with her about?

“Is everything ok Tyra?” Tami asked with a look of concern etched upon her face as she sat in front of the blonde teenager.

Tyra nodded. “Everything’s cool Mrs T.”

Tami remained sitting quietly for a moment, studying Tyra’s face intently, waiting for something to show, something she could grasp and use to get the truth out of her, to find out what has caused the hurt she can see so clearly.

Tyra doesn’t stay anything, she remains sitting, mute, her face turned towards the window, her eyes fixed on the blue Texan sky.

Shifting and brushing her hair back over one shoulder Tami tried again. “You seem a little down,” she commented.

Shrugging Tyra focused her stare on the window. “I-” she began suddenly and then came to an abrupt stop. “It’s silly Mrs T, I’m fine.”

“If it’s bothering you Tyra, it’s not silly.” Tami insisted gently. “Is everything ok with Landry?”

“Yes ma’am.” She opened her mouth to say something else and then stopped once again. It was a strange feeling to have someone to talk to about stuff, someone that listened and believed in her.

“Do you ever…have you ever had something…I mean really thought you had something…and then realised afterwards that you never had it at all…that…that you were little more than a stop gap along the road?” Tyra huffed in embarrassment. “That doesn’t even make sense,” she mumbled.

Glancing over at Mrs Taylor, Tyra could see the confusion written clearly upon her face.

“We were together for almost a year y’know? Not all the time, we were always on and off, all or nothing all the time. I mean, he might have gone off with cheerleaders and rally girls, and I might have gone off with other guys, but in the end we always came back to each other.”

“You’re talking about Tim Riggins?”

Tyra nodded at Tami’s question. “I thought that I had had more of him than anyone, he might have gone off with other girls when we were fighting, but he always came back to me. That was just the way it was. And…I look at him now…and I realise…that I never had anything more of him than any other girl, I was foolin’ myself.” She twisted her hands in her lap. “Seeing him now…”

Wracking her brains, she tried to recall any rumours of Tim having acquired a new girlfriend, but to her knowledge at least he hadn’t. Something had obviously set Tyra off though. There was the outburst over the Rally Girl, but was something like that enough to cause Tyra pain? The teenager had been unusually quiet long before that had come out, no matter the attitude she used to try and cover it up. She tried to phrase her words considerately. “Do you still have feelings for him?”

Vehemently Tyra shook her head. “No, not like that. I guess I’ll always care for him, but not like that. Besides, I have Landry, not that he’s a second choice or anything.” She hastened to assure the school guidance counsellor. “It just hurts, I loved him, I really did, despite all the ups and downs, but I never had him at all, I never really knew him. It’s just thrown me that’s all.”

“Is he seeing someone else now?”

Tyra felt her lips twist bitterly in amusement and disbelief at the naivety of the question. For Tim Riggins there would always be someone else, but this time however, “Yeah, sort of, I mean I guess so. But things are different with her, no one really knows what to think, but they all know she is different from the way he treats her. But no one knows for sure if there is anything going on between them. Funny thing is, she’s the only one that doesn‘t think there is anything unusual about the way he treats her.”

Shifting awkwardly on the plastic seat, Tyra swallowed feeling uncomfortable with the conversation, but before she knows it, the words are pouring out and it doesn’t even matter that it’s Mrs Taylor, the Coaches wife, Julie’s mother that she’s confessing them too.

Tami remained quiet, letting Tyra get it all of her chest.

“It’s silly little things. He watches her a lot and, like, opens doors for her and stuff. And he’s always touching her, any excuse he can use he does. But, it’s not that kind of touching,” she stresses, “he’ll brush her hair out of her face, place his hand on her back or arm about her shoulders as they walk through the crowed corridors. Innocent stuff.”

“And this concerns you, this ‘innocent stuff?’” Asked Tami.

Looking at the older women with jaded eyes Tyra told her, “It’s not unusual for him to be making out with girls in front of their lockers and groping them, so yeah, it’s different. Shows she’s different. Not one of many.

She talks to him and he listens. Back when Jason was injured he gets into this argument with Smash, doesn’t listen to a word I say when I tell him to cool down and he storms out afterwards, forgetting all about me.

He gets jealous too, she isn’t doing anything deliberately but you can see him get jealous when guys eyeball her and she is completely oblivious to it. I kissed Smash and he asks me how it was. What does that tell you?

Did Coach tell you that he hasn’t been turning up to practice drunk or hung over?”

Tami nodded.

“Any you probably know that his marks are going up in class as well don’t you?”

Tami doesn’t answer that question, because she shouldn’t discuss one student’s private information with another. “And this ‘girl,’ you think it’s because of her?”

Tyra shakes her head in amazement. “You still have no idea about the kinda of boy he is do you? Tim Riggins doesn’t do things for no reason.” She said bluntly. “Of course it’s because of her.

And as much as I don’t want to hate her for it, there’s a small part of me that resents her for it. I shouldn’t though, it’s not her fault she doesn‘t deserve it, she's done nothing wrong, she's not stolen him from me or anything like that. She’s good for him in ways I never was.

This new ‘attitude’ he has, he wants to be good enough for her. It just hurts that he never wanted to be good enough for me.”

The bell rings as Tami asks who she is.

“Open your eyes Mrs T,” Tyra tells her as she stands and begins to leave so that she won’t be late for class. “Or better yet, stick your head round your office door occasionally.”

Thinking she’ll ask Julie or Eric about it later on at home, Tami stands in the doorway to her office and watches the sea of students pass through the hallway. Tyra disappearing instantly into the throng.

Julie smiles and waves as she walks past, deep in conversation with Lois.

Taking Tyra’s advice Tami stands there for a little while longer and then notices Tim sauntering down the corridor. There are no girls hanging off of him, so maybe she won’t find out about the mystery girl Tyra was talking about today.

Random girls, some cheerleaders, others rally girls, and others just the normal run of the mill teenagers watch as he walks past, some smiling and saying hello even though he ignores them just as he does to her, unaware that she’s watching him, she doesn’t say anything as he lengthens his stride, students parting before him as he walks down the corridor, his attention entirely focused on something at the other end.

“Hey little Taylor,” he says as he hooks an arm across Julies shoulders with a smirk and the students that had been jostling about her daughter earlier, blocking her way as they themselves rushed to class part in front of the pair of them making sure they had plenty of way to get through.

Her daughter smiles up at him while she rolls her eyes. “Riggins.”

Without breaking stride they continue on walking and then disappear around the corner.

He might be trying to prove that he is good enough for Julie, but that doesn’t mean he’s completely reformed, Tami knows. She’d heard about the locker room fight following a comment Cortez made about the fingernail marks lining Riggins back. Marks issued by an as yet, nameless rally girl. From her husband and other members of the faculty.

Thank the lord that whatever between them was merely a silly crush, and though Tim might have the stupidity to string their daughter along at least he’d never laid a hand on her.

Retreating into her office with a sickening feeling in the pit of her stomach Tami drops her head forward against the closed door and wonders just what the hell she’s going to say to Eric.

tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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