Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl Chapter 15

Jul 09, 2009 15:43

Title: Pee Wee Football and the Superbowl
Pairing: Tim/Julie
Spoilers: Season 2
Summary: After the fiasco with Riley and another disastrous date, Julie decides that she has something she wants to lose. And Tim Riggins seems to be just the person to help with that. Tulie!
Rating: PG13
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit made - played with for fun only.

Chapter 15

Despite the ungodly hour he had to wake so that he could sneak out of Julie’s bed and back to his truck which was parked several streets over to avoid detection, Tim was feeling in a good mood having kissed a sleepy Julie goodbye and returned home without any catastrophes.

Pushing open the front door which was never locked, Tim closed it quietly behind himself.

The house was silent. Billy wasn’t awake yet.

He’d made it across to the kitchen and was in the process of opening the fridge when Billy appeared silently from his room.

“Do I even want to ask where you were last night?” His brother asked sarcastically.

Tim didn’t bother to answer, chugging orange juice straight from the cartoon and not bothering to turn to face his brother.

“I mean, I presume you were out last night seeing as it’s a little early for you to be up yet and you’re wearing the same clothes as yesterday.” Billy continued taking in his relaxed and well rested look.

“Didn’t know you were that observant Billy.” Tim stated as he placed the empty juice cartoon back into the fridge knowing full well it would piss his brother off.

“You going to tell me where you were last night?” His elder brother asked inviting an answer.

Tim refused to give him one, “No.” He responded bluntly.

“Jesus! I’m not joking Tim! Where the fuck were you? If I find out you’ve been getting into any more trouble boy, I swear you‘ll wish you‘d never have been born!” Billy threatened shaking his head in frustration. “I had Coach Taylor on the phone last night. Calling to tell me about a fight you’d gotten into. Cortez is out for the next two games.”

Tim smirked at the mention of his team mate, feeling no regrets over the fight. He shrugged unconcerned.

“Were you with that girl?” Billy questioned.

“What girl?”

“Jesus!” Billy cursed again. “Don’t fucking start this with me again! I don’t have time for it this morning. You know which girl I’m talking about!”

“Don’t worry about it Billy.” Tim told his brother. “It’s all under control.” He said walking past Billy towards the bathroom for a shower.

“‘Don’t worry about it?’” Billy shouted spinning his younger brother round and shoving him against the wall. “‘Don’t worry about it?’ You’re starting fights with your team mates over trash talk in the locker room! How can you tell me not to worry about it?”

“Look, it’s done, it’s dealt with.” Tim responded with typical Riggins aplomb. “In future they’ll keep their mouths shut, it’s not an issue.”

“You need to cut this girl loose Tim.” Billy stated. “Before she starts affecting your game. Hell, if she hasn‘t already!” He scoffs.

For the first time in the conversation Tim lost his cool, unaffected, unbothered attitude.

Stepping away from the wall he went toe to toe with his brother, pulling his shoulders back and standing straight. His jaw set, eyes narrowed and hands clenched. “I’m going to say this one time, and one time only Billy. You got a problem with me, that’s fine, real fine. But you don’t ever bring her into it again.”

Silence stretched between them.

With a small nod sensing that his brother didn't have a response, Tim stepped back from Billy. “I’m taking a shower.” He said continuing on his way to the bathroom without a second glance in his elder brother’s direction.

Sucking in a deep breath Billy scrubbed his hand across his head and stared in Tim’s direction a troubled look upon his face wondering what trouble he’d been getting into. What that girl was to him. If he’d simply crawled out of her bed after a marathon sex session he might have appeared somewhat relaxed, but not as though he’d gotten a good nights sleep.

Fuck! Just what had his little brother gotten himself into now?


Sitting at the lunch table with the other footballers, Tim casually asked, “Which one of those girls is Paige Foster?” while nodding his head in the direction of a group of rally girls a couple tables over.

A couple of the players snorted and one of them commented, “You forgotten what she looks like already? That’s her right there, with the white panthers t-shirt.” He said indicating to a girl that looks exactly the same as all the other rally chicks.

Tim shook his head. “I can’t remember ever seeing her before.”

“You mean…you didn‘t…?” Landry choked out referring to the recent rumours where he’d fucked the rally girl into a stupor.


There’s a brief silence at the table. It’s of shock and surprise that there’s one rally girl that Riggins hasn’t slept with, not the fact that he’s admitting he hasn’t. Riggins would only say he hasn’t slept with a girl if he honestly hasn’t. Not once did he ever deny that he slept with Street’s girl when that whole deal blew up in his face. He’s a lot of things, but he isn’t a liar.

Standing he’s aware of the eyes on him as he saunters across to their table. Watches as all the rally girls giggle and primp, nudging each other.

Paige Foster sat a little straighter, a smug smile on her face that he’s going to have fun wiping off while the girl to her left titters.

Standing in front of her, he smirks down at the blonde-haired girl whose hair isn’t anywhere as nice as Julie’s. “Paige.”

“Hey Tim.”

“Girl, you are causing all kinds of trouble for me.” He says quietly, a smirk lingering about his lips but loud enough that the rally girls on either side can hear the conversation.

Thinking that he meant his words in a good way, Paige’s smug smile intensified. “I should hope so.”

“See, the thing is,” He drawled, leaning down a little closer to her, “I’d have found these rumours you’re spreading much easier to believe had you picked a time for our little ‘fuck fest’ to occur when I know I was drunk. Problem is, yesterday afternoon; I know I was stone cold sober.

You see, I don’t like drinking when I’m about to get lucky with my girl, ‘cause I want to remember every single second of it. Now, she knows I wasn’t with you yesterday afternoon, but that doesn’t mean she’s too happy about these lies you’re spreading. I don’t like my girl being unhappy.

As far as I’m concerned you can fuck the entire Dallas Cowboys Football team, second and third strings, reserve teams, Coaches, staff and every fan in the United States of America. I really don’t give a shit.

You get that?”

Paige Foster sat in front of him dumbly, a sick look on her face which had grown steadily red and then drained white of all colour as his speech had continued.

The girls surrounding her had also been privy to the conversation and were sitting in stunned silence, eyes wide and mouths agape.

There was a low hum of conversation as the students watched them, whispers of discussion as they debate what is being said and then corrected by those students lucky enough to hear the words come out of his mouth.

Those that haven't heard though, they’ll find out soon enough, Rally Girls aren’t loyal to the others in their select group, and while they might be loyal to the team, they are never loyal to any particular player.

“Just to let y’all know while I’m here as well, I won’t be needing any more cookies, cupcakes, or muffins from any of y’all. My girl’s gonna be doing that from now on.”

Well, actually she won’t, he reflects while returning to his own table. But as far as he’s concerned, if Julie’s not made it, he doesn’t want it. It’ll also draw the line to show that he’s no longer available and that he isn’t interested in them. That he’s serious about Jules, about ‘his girl’ in ways that he never was when he came to Tyra or any of the others that passed through his life before now.

He’d just sat down when Paige Foster stood up from her table and ran out of the cafeteria. A few of her ‘friends’ snickered as they watched her rapid departure.

“Jeez, what the hell did you say to her Riggs?” Smash says incredulously.

Sensing the attention from his team-mates, Tim looked up at them. “That I don’t like it when people cause trouble for me and my girl.” Slinging his backpack over his shoulder, Tim didn’t bother hanging around to see their reactions.

He’d made it plain to both the team and the Rally Girls that he had a girl, that he was involved with someone. That he wouldn’t tolerate trash talk within the team, or lies spread behind his back.

The bell rings as he turns the corner into the hallway. His eyes spotted Julie walking in the distance with Lois. She wouldn’t have heard about his confrontation with Paige Foster yet, but she would do.

His eyes fastened on Julie; he started through the students towards her.

tim/julie, fnl fic, pee wee football and the superbowl, completed fic, fanfic

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