Cursing at the monitor

Sep 01, 2011 14:15

because of Pottermore.

I'm sorry if I happen to post Pottermore and Pottermore these days. It will pass. In between writing, every 95 minutes or so, I go back online and check my potions. Addicting! So far, I've melted 3 copper cauldrons and 1 pewter. That's around 90 galleons wasted. Dammit.

And now, because I'm nice and generous!

POTTERMORE ( Read more... )


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Comments 12

mihnn September 1 2011, 08:13:03 UTC
I'm still not in Pottermore!!! *sob*sob*whine*


lucillajoanna September 1 2011, 16:05:58 UTC
Yesh, Mihnn, we hates it. I'm surrounded by friends who only give me the evil eye when I mention Pottermore. Grr. I hope you all get access soon!


justthedreams September 1 2011, 11:58:55 UTC
My owl hasn't arrived yet. I'm getting very antsy.
And Remix > CATATI, for now. Only two weeks left!! :D


lucillajoanna September 1 2011, 16:07:10 UTC
Ach, yes! Hopefully will send it to you next week at the latest, Mel!

And I hope you get your access soon, too, dammit.


equinoxchick September 1 2011, 13:43:52 UTC
I added you, my sweet.

I'm MarauderStrike200 - if you can bear being friends with a Slytherin - mwahahahahahaha


lucillajoanna September 1 2011, 16:09:33 UTC
Oh, begone! :D I love the Slytherin common room, btw. Yes, I've been there. Draco took me.


xfsista September 1 2011, 15:59:36 UTC
Added you! DraconisWizard130. Slytherin. :)


lucillajoanna September 1 2011, 16:11:42 UTC
Why do you all seem to be in Slytherin?! :D I still haven't checked the Sonorus Pottermore thread yet. Busy busy when not blowing up cauldrons... Thanks for adding me, dearest!


black_coffee13 September 1 2011, 17:04:30 UTC
You do need to update CATATI. Your fans are getting antsy ;)

Also, I'm curious - I know you're doing the Remix, but are you going to do Hermione Big Bang this year? I'm contemplating doing it - and signups are supposed to start today - and if you're doing it, we could totally be writing buddies ;)

I hope you're doing well! I miss your writing...


lucillajoanna September 1 2011, 17:49:04 UTC
:D Oh but I'm having fun with your prompts, Jo. I'm just concentrating on my remix for now, since the deadline is peeking over my shoulder.

And *squishes you* thank you for reminding me. I'll sign up for HBB. I plan to enter my other Dramione WIP, which has been stagnant for years... If you don't mind that cheating, then I heartily claim you as writing buddy.


black_coffee13 September 1 2011, 20:39:26 UTC
Heehee. I thought you might be. And I'm just teasing you anyway. The remix is *way* more important :)

You're most welcome! And I'm *totally* excited about having a writing buddy! We can be each other's cheerleaders ;)


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