Vocal Hypnotism

Jun 14, 2008 23:51

Title: Vocal Hypnotism
Author: Lucifer Hisaki (mercy_slays/luciferhisaki)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Marvel, Iron Man 2008
Pairing: (Future) Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Summary: In which Tony hears Captain America’s voice for probably the first time.
Disclaimer: I hardly know my way around Comic Canon. Do you really think I own Marvel? But I would love to own RDJ!Tony's ass!
Word Count: 1000
Notes: This is not beta'd. There maybe some OoCness. Part of a Five-Fic mini-series.
For: stagesoflove's Five Senses; Hearing

Vocal Hypnotism

Tony was taking a break from working on the repulsor gauntlets. Oh he was almost done with them. He was just taking a break. He’ll have them done for testing in a few hours but right now, he was too busy playing with the shield he got a few days after he came back to California.

It was a really good metal. He heard of it but never really encountered it. It was impossible to replicate and it served as the confirmation that this indeed was Captain America’s shield though how the hell he got a hold of it, much less who delivered it to him was still beyond him. Not that Tony really looked into it, anyway. He was more concerned if he could really put a dent into the surface. So far, no luck.

Captain America’s shield was just that good. Oh there were scratches that Tony did not put there but it was polished and well taken care of before he even laid his hands on it. Tony made sure to give it one good polishing every time he was done with it for the day.

Brows furrowing, he stared at the screen before him. The data maps of his experiments were laid out. He knew what the metal had comprised of. That wasn’t hard but if he could only duplicate the metal, then well, it would be a good thing for him. The metal, he was interested in the metal of the shield. That was all.

Humming to himself, he tapped his pointer against the table top. The TV mounted on the wall was playing some old news reels of his dad and other World War II documentaries.

Tony wasn’t really watching them, or listening even. He just needed the noise. He hated working in silence. Usually, it would be AC/DC, Metallica, Pantera or some other metal (sometimes just pure rock) band blaring from the speakers that lined the shop. Today, it was the television and Tony, for once, didn’t want to tune into the news (mostly economics but lately, he had been watching more general World news).

Some general were praising the actions of some soldier, right then. Truthfully, Tony didn’t care so much about that. Soldiers were soldiers; they did what they were told to do. He did, however, jump slightly when a deep, overly-projected voice boomed through out the room. Tony looked up, catching sight of a man wearing a cowl. There was a huge white star on his chest and although the documentary was in black and white for the most part, Tony knew the uniform the man was wearing was blue with red and white.

Captain America.

He had seen the man many times. He watched multiple newsreels his dad stuffed down his throat when reminding him about Stark’s legacy and why their weaponry helped stop a war that would cause the end of the world.

Tony frowned at the memory of his father before shaking his head.

For the life of him, he couldn’t remember Captain America sounding as he was right then. Maybe he was watching all those old reels with the silence on while his father lectures. Wouldn’t be surprising, Howard Stark liked doing that.

The voice made him tremble, his bones vibrating. It was powerful and authoritative. Tony could almost see why so many would be willing to follow this man, this Captain America.

He licked his dry lips, eyes unable to turn away, his ears straining to listen to the words leaving the soldier’s mouth. When it ended, Tony commanded, “Rewind clip to five minutes prior. Replay.”

Body shivering, he wondered briefly if Dad ever met the Captain America in person. Probably not. Dad preferred to be in the lab than the messy battlefields, though he didn’t mind field testing, if Obadiah recounts of his father were true.

It was deep, not quite husky and throaty, enough to instill fear and courage from anyone. It was the voice of a hero, someone devoted to a cause. Captain America had many followers and many loyal men. It was one of the reasons why it hit the United States so hard when he disappeared, died, whatever. The Military wasn’t releasing what happened to Captain America after he went Missing-in-Action.

Tony stroke a hand across the surface of the shield, leaning back in his chair, eyes closed. He listened to the Legend’s voice. Oh he had been a fan when he was younger, who wasn’t? There had been stories, good damn stories that served best for the afternoon tale telling than bedtime stories.

Dad didn’t say much about Captain America, and neither did Obadiah but Tony’s old nanny had many stories to say about him. She had gone even far to say her brother had once worked with the Great Captain America.

The clip ended and Tony found himself ordering JARVIS to play it again. It was a, for the lack of a better word, beautiful voice. It wasn’t the type to end up falling asleep with but rather it was one that called for attention, demanded it even. Tony found he liked those types of voices the best. He learned better when his professors back at MIT had those voices.

Smiling slightly, he listened and wondered briefly, if he should just stop his testing and check if Captain America’s voice had any hypnosis or mind control effect. He wouldn’t be surprised, if he did. Captain America was born from a man who history did not have name for and the super soldier serum that had been locked up in some heavily secured crate, probably in Fort Knoxwhile in deep freeze.

The military wasn’t against hypnosis so much, although they did seem to have something against temporary paralysis, for some odd reason. Oh well, now wasn’t the time to muse about products that failed to meet expectations.

Tony grinned, “JARVIS? Get all the Captain America voice clips you can. We’re dissecting his speech patterns for hypnotism and mind control.”


rating: pg, character: steve rogers, community: stagesoflove, misc: claim, character: tony stark, post: fan fiction, fandom: marvel

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