Title: The Stars and Scones Bakery and Coffee Shop (6/6)
Pairings: Harry Dresden/John Marcone
Warnings/Content: Explicit sex, food porn, past child abuse, oblique reference to self-harm, serious portrayal of a character dealing with past trauma, realistic depiction of a panic attack, and abandonment issues, but now, finally, some romantic fluff. ♥
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Comments 52
:♥ right back:
What is this I don't even. I am so happy, I can hardly stand it, and can (obviously) not articulate it very well. But seriously, the only thing better than this fic is knowing there will be more! And I can't wait for more MoC.
Glad you enjoyed!
I had forgotten that you were a Decemberists fan until I read this chapter. When I first saw your post with the quote from Don't Carry It All, I literally gasped aloud because it always makes me happy to see Decemberists fans, and even thought they aren't as unheard of as they were several years ago, they still aren't that popular. I wonder if John really listens to the lyrics of the Tain, I might not want my kid listening to it :p
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Thank you for reading! Glad you enjoyed. 8D
And yes, I may be gushing a little. Sorry! :)
Gushing is fine! Thanks for the kind words!
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