CHALLENGE: The "You're the TPTB This Time" Challenge

Apr 08, 2007 00:11

It's a long holiday and I'm hideously bored. So, let's do a challenge!

The "You're the TPTB This Time" Challenge

One staple of fandom is that the fen are gonna complain about the source. It's a fact of life. But, admittedly, that's not very fair to the writers. God only knows how difficult it is to make a show.

So the challenge is this: You are the TPTB. You write the show or movie. Let's see you do better.


There are four possible responses to this challenge:

A: Write a pitch.
Pretend I'm a network chairman and tell me about your show. Make it charismatic and compelling. Tell me why your show should fill the gap in my Fall season. Make sure to get the point of the show across and make it good!

B: Script a trailer.
By now, I think we've all seen what a film script looks like. So write me a trailer, one of those two minute long bastards they show before feature presentations in the theatre. And, no, don't worry about messing with camera and SFX and the technical stuff. Just gimme a trailer.

C: Write a scene.
Write me one full scene in normal, non-script style. For you fanfic-types. Give me a dramatic or hilarious bit that shows off your characters and the tone of the show.

D: Make a poster.
Occassionally, you'll see a movie poster so good, you head home and look up the film in question, just because you have to know. Artistic people, make a trailer. Feel free to hit up sites like for stock images and include a campy tagline. Have fun with it.

The big catch to all this? It must be an original creation. Non-fannish. Feel free to pull a Tarantino and riff off something else, but the idea should be your own. Do something in the style of Whedon (quirky dialogue, philosophical, kick-ass women), Sorkin (pedeconferencing, high English, someone named Dan), or Kripke (pop culture, awesome folklore research, incestuous subtext) if you like.


It's a long holiday weekend, so sit down for a hour and pump something fun out. Post it in your own LJ and then comment in this entry with a link. No set deadline, but's it's sort of something to burn time on the holiday. So about a week, maybe?

Hope you guys find this fun. Go out and have fun!

Poll Interested?
*gets to work*


PS: *pokes FList until everyone starts pimping this*

poll, fic, challenge

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