I got mine in the post today ... And sorry, I hope it's okay that I'm only using Sendspace - it's just that other sites are going stupidly slow for some reason. xD Also, for those who don't have winRAR I uploaded the songs individually.
Also, If i scan in the Kanji lyrics, could someone type them up for me? ;_; (Not translate- but just type up the Kanji *shot*) or if they're already out there somewhere, could someone point me in that direction? xD
I LOVE Ling's CD! Seriously, especially the second track; it sounds so beautiful and so sad...The first track is stupidly catchy.
Track 1 - ナンバー王
Track 2 - 光の射す場所
(If someone can do an accurate translation, please share!
http://www.sendspace.com/file/rli9sq EDIT- Here are the Mp3s individually for those who can't use WinRAR
Track 1-
http://www.sendspace.com/file/s9kosl Track 2-
http://www.sendspace.com/file/oyvymi I'm not sure what to think of Lan Fan's...>.<; Although I think I like the first track better.
Track 1- 空風
Track 2 - そっと、そっと
http://www.sendspace.com/file/jnwdje Individual MP3s without WinRAR
Track 1 -
http://www.sendspace.com/file/lg5ien Track 2 -
http://www.sendspace.com/file/7n0lsk But yeah, track 2 of Ling's CD is definitely my favourite!
Please enjoy!