(no subject)

Oct 22, 2009 00:47

Firs things first: CHECK OUT THIS ONE MEME HERE. I mean the only way to make it badass is if we get stuff! ...Or well something like that. And aside from that, something important:

THIS IS FOR THE SOS-BRIGADE AND ANYONE INVOLVED IN THE PLAY HARUKI IS PUTTING ON. And anyone curious about it because I put way too much work into this. This is everyone's role in this thing as well as just what things will look like and all. The stage itself and such is Mitsuru's job (and therefore her player's) so I didn't include it on here, but anyone who volunteered to be an extra or what have you, feel free to reply here, kay?

EDIT: This naturally includes the art (Rohan... was there anyone else?) and music which was going to be thrown in. Also, KAITO, Haruki will totally give you a job for this we need to decide what.

A Journey to the West
An Abridged Version by the SOS-Brigade
The SOS-Brigade claims that none of the characters, locations, powers, circumstances, peoples, sounds, smells, or spells featured this this production are true. However, given the nature of the universe(s) as we've learned it to be in Luceti, they probably are somewhere, and because of that, we give props both to the original author of the original version of the play and to whatever versions of these characters which might exist in any or all alternate dimensions.

God_is_a_dude - Ultra-Director/Executive Producer/Superior Artist/Overlord [to be wearing a maid uniform on opening night]
flower_of_hell - Director's Assistant/Cast Manager [to be wearing a maid uniform on opening night]
pinkribbons - West Side Usher [to be wearing a maid uniform]
invisible_inuki - East Side Usher [to be wearing a maid uniform]
Mystearical - Promotional Manager/Advertising Doll
book_of_chaos - Special Effects Manager
sandwichofdoubt- Concession Stand Manager
sos_chorus - Various inane manual tasks/Director's gofer/everything else

therealmion - The Great Goddess / Bael [Bael is not listed on whatever program this might have] - The Great Goddess is the divine being which has had her eye on Sanzo since birth. Her true intentions are mysterious, but she has high hopes for the man, clearly.

moon_bunnies - Xuanzang / Sanzo - A devout and talented priest who is told to undertake a journey to the west with a handful of disciples. He has and obviously big heart, even if his only combat skill is to banish demons using complex rituals.

sing_thrush - Hakuryu - Formerly a sinful and evil dragon which horded the wealth and entire region, the Great Goddess punished him in the form for turning him into a horse for Sanzo's use.

kenpo_kitty - Son Goku - The Monkey King, he is an incredibly powerful being that transcends the line between the gods and the demons. He is born of the earth and fiercely loyal to Sanzo in his current life. He wields a legendary extending combat staff.

controlroute - Sha Gojyo - A kappa who once held a much more notably position but was cursed to a terrible fate on Earth, he once terrorized those who would intrude on his solitude. However, after his defeat at the hands of Sanzo and Goku, he swore a loyalty oath to Sanzo. He has a hot temper and a strong sense of passion in general, however.

probablyacat - Cho Hakkai - A mysterious figure cursed to be a man in a pig's body, Hakkai is in on the journey for his own "redemption," albeit these could be seen as shallow reasons. He keeps his memories, heart, and intentions all very close to his chest.

im_the_cute_one - The Yuki-Onna - A spirit that lives in the mountains, awaiting travelers that might fall under her charms and into her spell. She seeks to take all of the Sanzo party as he mates so that she might take all of their souls.

goggle_syndrome - Kougaiji - An enigmatic but powerful demon which constantly tries to stop the party's journey to the west using any means possible. His origins and true motives for this are unclear, but he seems willing to use any means needed.

isthefootsteps - Gyumaoh, the Ox King - A powerful demon overlord who is said to control an entire small country near the border of India. He is known for his brutality and destructive might.

2ndunitcaptain - The Spirit of Masamune - The spirit that dwells within the terrible and legendary demon-blade known as the Masamune. The Masamune is said to be capable of killing even a god.

1) A back-story on Goku, Gojyo, and Hakkai.
-Goku was born of the Earth and eventually gained some great martial prowess. His power was said to be unstoppable, and got called the Monkey King. He ascended into the heavens sometime after that. In Heaven, however, he caused a great calamity and a great army was used to kill him. His spirit was then sealed deep within the Earth to reside for five hundred years.
-Gojyo was formerly a member of the heavenly army - one of the honor guard of the gods themselves. However, he committed a terrible offense, and therefore was killed. He was reincarnated as a kappa on Earth, was doomed to remain there for the rest of eternity, having no memory of the offense he supposedly committed, but unable to fix his own karma.
-Hakkai used to be called by a different name, but he likes to keep his old life hidden as much as possible. He took was a member of the heavenly army, but in his case he was one of the many generals involved with taking down Goku. However, he committed further sins after that was was banished to Earth. Originally planned to reincarnated as a human, he instead was reincarnated as a pig, but his human-soul allowed him to walk upright and such. He's committed two more horrible sins sins since then, becoming cursed as an eight-time sinner.

2) And introduction to Sanzo and his role/position. Namely that the boy who was named Xuanzang was taken in from the river by a temple. He was raised as a monk and showed a natural talent in everything he tried. Over time, it became clear that Xuanzang was given the blessing of the Great Goddess at birth. He assumed the title of a high priest - a Sanzo - in his early 20s, and from thereafter was chased by demons following the myth that demons that eat the flesh of a Sanzo will become immortal.

3) Sanzo recruits Goku as his disciple. Namely, Sanzo heard the call of Goku's spirit in his head, and followed it deep within a cave. Eventually, deep within the cave, he discovered a strange stone which seemed to be made of gold. Sanzo embraced it, and in that moment, the gold rock materialized as Son Goku, the reborn Monkey King, a child. Sanzo took in this child, and to praise his efforts he is given Hakuryu, formerly a terribly sinful dragon, but now a horse, as his steed by the Great Goddess.

4) He was told by the Great Goddess that for a mission he would soon accomplish that he would require two more strong disciples. To this end, Sanzo recruits Gojyo and Hakkai as his remaining disciples. Gojyo is taken in first when Goku and Sanzo move to go across a marsh and are cut off by a powerful and cunning kappa. However, Sanzo manages to trick the creature into spilling the majority of the bowl on its head. In sparing Gojyo's life by not emptying it, however, he recruits the man. Hakkai, meanwhile, they meet after he has kidnapped a girl in a town they visit, demanding her hand in marriage. A combination of Sanzo's words and Gojyo's fists reign the sinner in to their cause, giving him a promise of redemption and a blank karma slate should he see Sanzo through his mission.

5) Sanzo is given his mission by the Great Goddess to travel to the "West" (India). Goku immediately agrees to follow him, Gojyo also does, albeit he has some reservations about the journey in general, given it's nature. Hakkai keeps his open opinions tight-lipped for the time being, but internally it is clear that he is only in on this journey for his own benefit anyway, so he couldn't care less where it is or how they get there so long as he gets what he wants.


1) The group has their first meeting with Kougaiji, who warns them that should they continue with the mission they have taken up they will die. Sanzo stands firm that they can survive the trials. Gojyo arrogantly agrees, Goku wholeheartedly agrees, and Hakkai hesitantly agrees.

2) Traveling through a mountain range, the group gets lost and separated from each other. Hakkai and Gojyo are both alone and Goku is with Sanzo. Gojyo ends up under the spell of the Yuki-Onna here, and has his soul slowly taken from him.

3) Gojyo sets out under the will of Yuki-Onna to bring her more meat. He gets in a duel with Goku, who vowed to defend Sanzo, who he now considers his friend. Meanwhile, Hakkai comes across the Yuki-Onna. As a Sinner he is immune to the effects of her possession abilities, and therefore proceeds to kill her in cold blood. Gojyo snaps out of it and the group is re-united, albeit more weary than before.

4) Kougaiji shows up again, urging the party to forsake their journey to the West while at the same time praising them for defeating the Yuki-Onna. Sanzo refuses to forsake the journey, though Gojyo and Hakkai both are starting to have clear reservations about sticking around at this point.

5) The journey continues, and after much thinking Hakkai decides he is too weary this journey to continue it and in the dark of the night leaves the group. The Great Goddess, seeing this, comes down and punishes Hakkai for forsaking the oath her in turn made to Sanzo. Sanzo shows up in the midst of this and gets a pardon for Hakkai, saying that Hakkai is his disciple and therefore what will happen to him will be Sanzo's will. Hakkai, moved by this, re-joins the group and his almost-desertion is never spoken of again.


1) Kougaiji shows up again, and this time to try to push them back awakens all the evil power dormant in Goku from his previous life. Goku becomes a wild animal, and attacks the party, who is easily defeated and forced to retreat away from the monster. Kougaiji leaves with Goku, presumably his "master" for the time being.

2) Gojyo demands that they go back and fight Goku again because he wants to prove that he can best the Monkey King. Hakkai, however, urges Sanzo to forsake Goku and merely continue on with their journey to the West, pointing out that as Goku is no longer Goku, he isn't one of Sanzo's disciples. Sanzo after some deliberation seeks the council of the Great Goddess, who informs them of a blade which is said to be able to kill even a god, the Masamune. Sanzo decides they will save Goku by defeating him with that sword, so they go to seek it out.

3) They find the Masamune in the treasure horde that Hakuryu had taken up back when he was dragon, before his punishment to be Sanzo's steed at the hands of the Great Goddess. However, the sword demands the blood of the dragon who had shamed it in taking it to rest here without use for centuries. The party resists this for a time, and begin and epic battle with the spirit of the sword, but eventually at the Great Goddess's demand, Sanzo sacrifices Hakuryu to the sword. The sword's spirit is appeased, and hands its mastery over to Gojyo.

4) Now armed with the fabled Masamune, Gojyo confronts Goku once more. This time, the Masamune is able to absorb the evil power which resides within Goku enough that Sanzo is able to use the power of the Great Goddess to place a seal on Goku's past life, making him revert back to being the Goku they all know. Goku, now free, confronts Kougaiji. The two fight for a time, but once Goku gains the upper hand, Kougaiji flees.

5) The Great Goddess orders Sanzo and co to give chase to Kougaiji, so Goku carries Sanzo on his back in the absence of his steed on his back. However, Kougaiji has fled in the realm of the Ox King Gyumaoh, who manages to stop the party with his awesome might. Hakkai turns traitor here, becoming Gyumaoh's adviser while the rest of the party is imprisoned in the dungeons. Kougaiji, meanwhile, vanishes for the time being into the palace.


1) In the prison cells of Gyumaoh, Gojyo and and Goku start to fight with each other while Sanzo meditates in hopes of contacting the Great Goddess. However, she is suspiciously silent. Meanwhile, Hakkai works for Gyumaoh as his adviser even as he looks through the city secretly for Kougaiji. Eventually, he finds the demon, and Hakkai proceeds to demand some answers for why he's been hunting the Sanzo party. However, before he can get a single answer out of him, the Great Goddess appears and kills Kougaiji herself. Hakkai and her have a glaring match for a time, but then Hakkai resolves to continue the journey through to the end.

2) Hakkai confronts Gyumaoh to urge him to set his comrades free, but Gyumaoh refuses this. Hakkai sighs lightly, and then proceeds to stab the mighty king to death in his sleep that night, taking advantage of Gyumaoh being a heavy sleeper. He then uses his assumed position and the key he took from the Ox King's room to free his friends. They escape the lands of Gyumaoh in the cover of night and set off again on their guest to India, now quite near they destination.

3) Upon arrival in India, the group seeks out a new sign as to what they are supposed to do. The Great Goddess demands that Sanzo remain absolute still for three days. During this time, however, a great horde of demons from the lands of Gyumaoh come down from the mountains in order to kill the party. Goku, Gojyo, and Hakkai mount an epic defense against the tide. Eventually, backed into a corner, Gojyo summons the spirit of Masamune from his blade, and by sacrificing his own uses the power of the sword to steal the life of all of the demons in the horde.

4) Sanzo awakens from his several day reprieve to find Gojyo dead, but all of them otherwise safe. He now knows where to go too. Goku carries Sanzo and Hakkai is told to carry Gojyo's corpse (as well as Masamune) as they travel shortly further west to the Rivers End Temple. There, the Great Goddess is there to meet them in a fully physical form. Sanzo immediately asks her for some way to bring Gojyo back, knowing tht his task is now complete. However, the Goddess takes this moment to reveal that she is, in fact, not a Goddess. She is the demon lord Bael from the far west.

5) Now face to face with the fact that the patron of their journey has in fact been using them the whole time, Sanzo, Goku, and Hakkai need to face off against the demon lord Bael. Hakkai is rendered powerless by the token of him being a Sinner, and Goku's strength alone is not enough. However, an idea of clarity strikes Sanzo during the middle of the battle. He takes some of Bael's spilled blood, and uses it to refill the bowl on Gojyo's head. The powerful demonic blood allows the kappa to come back to life, and he immediately joins the fight. Using the combined might of the Monkey King and the Muramasa's new master, they are able to defeat Bael. Unfortunately, through, Bael cannot be killed for real, given that he has already eaten a Sanzo in the past.

6) In order to kill Bael for real, Sanzo uses his newfound spiritual clarity - gained from his completion of this pilgrimage, sham or not - to remove the eight sins which are binding Hakkai and transfer them to Bael. While this does not kill the demon lord, it does bind him to the chains of karma, and in doing so, cancels his immortality. The final blow is struck by Goku, who impales Bael through the heart with his staff.

7) The last scene of the play is then Sanzo ascending into a state of higher enlightenment. Using this, he allows Gojyo and Hakkai to become fully human and returns them to the normal cycle of reincarnation. He warns Goku, however, that he can never be anything more than he is. Goku merely shakes his head and informs Sanzo that he plans to take over the demon country left leaderless in the wake of Gyumaoh's death. All of this is done over the grave of Kougaiji, who they now know was in fact a messenger of the real gods.

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HOLY SHIT that took me way too long! Feel free to make any comments if you want or prose any questions/concerns/whatever/OH GOD I KNOW IT'S WEIRD.
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