(no subject)

May 01, 2009 19:37

The School

+ please see
lucetischool for all new school relevant info.

Offered Courses

  • Math: Pretty self explanatory; there are quite a few levels to math, starting from the most simple to extremely complicated depending on where a person's ability rests. Math ability is determined by the test given to new students and is one of those higher level/lower level classes.

  • Science: Every semester up until a break (like summer and winter) will be focused on a different science subject. More of a study of natural things, and perhaps even delving into theory. Geology, physical, biology, chemistry among other practical sciences can likely be explored here, as time goes on.

  • Writing/Reading comprehension: Pretty self explanatory, includes discussion of books and literacy and sentence/grammar structures, and composition writing. Lots of composition writing.

  • Art: Usually just for Mondays and Wednesdays, and also will be opened to non-enrolled students for the heck of it. More of a recreational class, though everyone's expected to work on something, so it's not just a free period. Gelda's classes might lean toward more craft-type projects while Raine just encourages creativity and thinking outside the lines and other things and of course some emphasis on history from other worlds.

  • PE: On Thursdays, theoretically more of a 'recess' class; students are expected to play fairly with each other and get involved, and occasionally have sessions of explaining their world's sports to one another, or just hang out and do whatever. Either can be outside on the playground or inside the gym room.

  • World Sharing: To be elaborated on a little further elsewhere (as the class will be opened up to those who don't officially attend), given the broad span of worlds that students hail from, this course is intended to be one that allows students to learn more about one another and the worlds they come from. Presentations and groups working together are often encouraged, as obviously this is a course that would rely mostly on what students are willing to tell about their histories. And hopefully there would be books available in the library to support this as well, but that isn't always the case.

  • Music: Mondays and Wednesdays, alternated with the art classes groups. Will be opened up to non-students as well, and more will be elaborated elsewhere. Students have a chance to learn about playing instruments and their history and probably sharing some of their world's examples of music as well.

  • Magic: Please see the writeup for all pertaining information.

The Schoolhouse:

First floor: Raine's office, Classroom "A", Classroom "D" (Music classroom, with instruments), girl's bathroom, "gym" (an extra large room that was once used in a town meeting), supply closet. Near the gym at the back of the building is the door that leads to the playground.

Second floor: Gelda's office, Classroom "B", Classroom "C", boy's bathroom, empty office, supply closet, cafeteria. And by cafeteria it's just another large room like the gym, only students can bring their own lunches to eat there if they want. If for some reason the classes are combined, they probably would be held up there.

Outside: In the back of the school is a playground that once had a barrier to keep out the known villains. The general area includes something like this, though probably with a larger area for organized sports like soccer.

Other: Outside the building are a few various plants and flowerbeds, which Raine usually tends to. There's also a school bell that can be heard in the morning.


Signups for the school go here. Current breakdown is here. These lists are possibly out of date, so please update your characters if you can so I can fix things up! And I will edit the pages so if you're only coming for the "open" classes you can state which ones.

Questions, comments, commentary?


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