
Jan 20, 2011 19:47

I figured this was worth mentioning somewhere, to sort of make it 'official.' I'll also be linking to this post from the permissions post in my journal.

There has been a pretty drastic and indefinite change to Legato's powers (and number of limbs), thanks to good ol' Knives. >.<
It seems as though it's going to remain this way for several months, at the very, very least, so here's how things are now...

Basically, Knives is a kind and caring master, and thought it would be a great idea to chop Legato's left arm off. Fun times. Well, this has some pretty serious implications to his ability, beyond the fact that the poor bastard is now going to have trouble tying his shoelaces.

-- The change to his power most likely won't be detectable to most others. If they could sense the Plant limb grafted onto him before, it's now gone. Now, he's just a human with psychic ability, and will show up as such to anyone who can sense such things. He doesn't give off much of an aura though, so to most people he'll seem exactly the same as before... just lacking an arm.

-- The range of his ability is really what has suffered the biggest blow. The arm basically served to amplify and power his ability to an absolutely exponential extent. Before, he could sense and track the mental presences of people across town. Now, he's limited to across the street.

-- For him to be able to mentally grab and puppeteer someone, they must fall into this diminished range, or be within his line of sight. If he can see you, he can focus enough to make a grab for your mind. Which means it is now possible to try and sneak up to him, as long as you stay outside of that range and stay out of sight.

-- Also, instead of being able to puppeteer nearly half the town at once without much of a problem, his limit is three. His powers remain at normal strength when grabbing that many people, but any more than that and his hold starts to get stretched thin and weaken. He also tires more quickly now if he pushes his limits.

tl;dr -- Legato had a bad day. He lost his arm and most of his power.

He's still as scheming and devoted as ever, though... and with Knives here, he's on a mission. So if there are baddies out there looking to make 'friends,' keep an eye out. He's going to be attempting to find you all in semi-subtle ways. :3
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