If I might have a moment of everyone's time, all those who volunteered to take on Hazama through Adell's coalition, be alert.
On Tuesday (July 6), there will be a post backdated to Monday of Adell gathering his mob together for a chance to strike at Hazama. That said, be prepared to tag in if your characters are ready to fight. However, because such a large group of people have been gathered, Issa and I believe that it would be just easier to handwave the actual battle against Hazama. It would be excessively strenuous for Issa to handle a battle thread of the magnitude we're looking at, and it would be very slow paced and potentially could take days to resolve if done the normal way.
Instead, what we're going to do here is plan out in advance. Think about whatever injuries or damage your characters may have taken from the Hazama battle. Death is allowed if you so choose it. This is another reason we want to handwave the actual battle; so your characters aren't held in limbo waiting for the consequences of the battle to play out in real time. Hazama himself will likely survive the encounter, but will slink away to recover from the savage beating he'll no doubt receive here.
You can decide on what you want and post it here if you want, or you can keep it a secret and use it for later. Doesn't matter. All of this is in good fun. And to all those hoping for a massive battle thread, I apologize, but we feel it's better for everyone if this plot is resolved sooner rather than later.
Now, on an unrelated note, this post is also something I'd like to use to gauge interest in something else.
I'm sure a fair number of people are sick and tired of player plots. There have been a lot of them, many of them having village wide consequences. In fact, until the recent announcement of the inspiration plot, most of them didn't seem very... pleasant. Well, here's something I'd like to propose.
Sometime after the conclusion of Xion's plot, I'm thinking about throwing together a lake trip plot for the people of Luceti. What's important to note about what I have planned for this is that it's a strictly fun event. If I were to do this, it would be like the breather episode of an anime: meant to be fun, funny, and just sort of like a wacky slice of life. No villainy, no saving the day, no fighting, no drama outside of personal relationship stuff. Just a ton of the villagers getting together and going on a trip to the lake on a warm summer's day and having a damn good time. Because let's face it, a lot of the people here deserve it. I don't have a timeline for it just yet, considering I'm not sure when the Xion plot is due to conclude, and I definitely don't want this to interfere with that.
But what I'd like from people who read this, is... reply here. It's open to pretty much anyone, so long as we don't end up with trouble beyond the comedic variety. If people aren't down with it, that's fine. But if they are, I think it'd be a fun little event to end a long segment of player plots. Something just... fun! Let me know what you think!