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I'm serious, if those are game, I would love to get involved in one of those like burning.
Also, does damage done over the course of the fairy tale carry over? If a character "dies" fulfilling their role, do they actually die?
ANYWAY! Plotting ideas! Giles, of course, is probably going to be way more suited to the original "Grim" fairy tales of any given world. I'd be up for him being a monster if anyone needs an antagonist! Troll under the bridge, dragon guarding the treasure, evil sorcerer, you name it. Although if there are any fairy tales out there that would let him play the hero, all the better...
If anyone does want to work him into a "traditional" fairy tale, though, I'd also be up for that.
Do you mind if I get back to the tag I owe Ginia at the party so she can at least teach him a box step and he can have half a chance? Although it would make it more dramatic underdog triumphing over adept evil sorcerer if he did win the dance battle against Helios.
Sure, no problem. You know I don't mind backtagging on things. And hey, even an underdog needs something up his sleeve after his curbstomping.
I wouldn't mind doing Sleeping Beauty a bit. White and the One Dwarf? Or indulge me on my Harry Potter love? Grune could be the Most Easily Passable Bridge Troll Ever? Or something to do with Peter Pan...
That's all I can come up with at the moment, but let me get back to you!
1. The Wizard and the Hopping Pot
2. The Fountain of Fair Fortune
3. The Warlock's Hairy Heart
4. Babbity Rabbity and the Cackling Stump
I'm assuming you know the Tale of the Three Brothers.
I think The Fountain of Fair Fortune would be best, although ideally we'd need two extra players. But Giles can be Sir Luckless and Grune can can be the one who, at the end, discovers she has a talent for herbs and making medicines to cure her of her poverty. Name escapes me at the moment.
(Also, the three brothers reminds me! I was gonna suggest maybe the Trio of Awesome could do one of those stories together--there's a ton of 'em, IIRC. /sticking nose in)
Okay. So there's Amata, a woman who was left miserable and destitute by her lover. There's Asha, a woman racked by an incurable diseases. And there's Amity, who lost everything she had in a disaster. There's also Sir Luckless, who is going to try and drink from the fountain just so his lief will be less horrible.
Up for seeing if Grell would like to be in on the fun as Amata?
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