Four quick announcements before we get to the meat and potatoes of this post.
ONE. If you are new, please for the love of God
GO HERE and add your contact information so we can get ahold of you. It's really very useful for everyone involved, thank you. It's f-locked, so if you don't have this journal friended you won't see it.
TWO. Don't forget to sign up
over here in the recruitment post with ONE COMMENT PER CHARACTER if you'd like your precious little lamb to be sent off to the slaughter battle.
THREE. Please. PLEEEEEEASE make sure you're on the friends add list. Go over
there right now. C/P all of the ADD LISTS and dump them into Wordpad. Then CTRL + F and type in the username of your character journal(s) to make sure they are on there. So many people get overlooked just because they forget to go back to the friends add and ask to be added.
Also, here's the Friend Add/Remove for this app cycle, about ten days late. FUN.
friend add kneecapspussies
friend add waxvampire
friend add pretty_fascist
friend add tatzenkreuz
friend add dancinghonour
friend add captain_in_you
friend add royaltyingreen
friend add markofthebrave
friend add hitsgirls
friend add eyebrowsonfire
friend add toysrusreject
friend add demented_mama
friend add lookslikeajob
friend add roseof_wutai
friend add hyaha
friend add notdarksiders
friend add inflectosolis
friend add i-speak-softly
friend add nearlychosen
friend add im_brilliant
friend add breaks_destiny
friend add arlia_angel
friend add soldierofluck
friend add kickinabout
friend add icodeforjustice
friend add illbeinmyroom
friend add stringsofsoul
friend add expromission
friend add waitsforchange
friend add dark_encounters
friend add gowithtehflow
friend add chibikillstick
friend add pvt_twinkletoes
friend add rapunzelhair
friend add telepathicchaos
friend add worthyknight
friend add dividebydreams
friend remove slickandskilled
friend remove goldenpathredux
friend remove sandwichofdoubt
friend remove limelight_slash
friend remove zealous_prince
friend remove ritachiquita
friend remove got_mooned
friend remove teaspoonrange
friend remove starlitepink
friend remove toomuchhairgel
friend remove zealous_prince
friend remove sweet_shuriken
friend remove prince_fortunae
friend remove albionsorel
friend remove autocrossbowplz
friend remove bigbluehat
friend remove curious_bot
friend remove turtletea
friend remove beary_bad_puns
friend remove biologicalpadre
friend remove junesbrand
friend remove jwhitlockhale
friend remove leatherboots
friend remove literallynoidea
friend remove loverthine
friend remove misterthou
friend remove omm_nomnom
friend remove pirosthethird
friend remove sempre_ridere
friend remove sos_chorus
friend remove goldprize
friend remove hereisariddle
friend remove akaiuyoku
friend remove icolo_alkaid
friend remove mad_hattering
friend remove ingratiatory
friend remove pictureprincess
friend remove poisonousbadge
friend remove liquid_hips
friend remove oldtreeherder
friend remove executors_waifu
friend remove nicht_ein_traum
friend remove asodiawiththat
friend remove canyonsiniowa
friend remove aureatus
friend remove emerald_archive
friend remove bandana_blue
friend remove preciousgeneral
friend remove secondshitennou
friend remove blondexena
friend remove maybeaprince
friend remove chosenby
friend remove chained_dog
friend remove praise_indeed
friend remove mesetaonmymind
friend remove monocled
FOUR. By popular demand, a rule regarding how soon one can reserve/apply for a character after a release date has been added. Please
check it out here (number 18). To sum it up, one week after the Stateside release (concerning games), you may apply for a character. IF there is no release announced within two months of the overseas release, then you may apply for that character. If you're unsure, ask us.
This event will last from Midnight (that is, early morning) of the 21st to Midnight (that is, the evening) of the 28th. So basically the event ends as apps open. This is what will happen.
- For those of you that recall previous Valentine's Day events, this is somewhat similar in that it uses the journals. What happens is that any time between the 21st to the 28th, when someone makes an entry, the first person to comment on it will fall victim to this new "experiment." The commenter and the OP of the post will fall in love with each other.
*Once this happens, it's set for the remainder of the event. So say Estelle is the first commenter on Judy's post; they will fall in love. But then Judy goes on and is the first commenter on Vash's post; EVEN IF VASH IS SINGLE, it doesn't count. It would go to the next single commenter.
*You can make your post ANYWHERE from the 21st to the 28th and so long as it's their FIRST POST OF THE WEEK, your character can fall in love.
*If you have any preferences -namely, if you want two specific characters to get together- we suggest you plan it out beforehand with the mun so they can tag first. Likewise, if you don't want your character to fall for another character, we would suggest you refrain from being the first commenter.
- Unlike the previous two events -this is where it gets fun- when characters fall in love they will be under the impression that they have always been in love with their new significant other. This can be handled multiple ways.
*If your character doesn't know the other person, it can be hilarious. They can claim to have loved them in a previous life, love them as a soulmate that has been constantly searching for their other, etc etc. Any poetic BS you can come up with. Or they can outright lie:
Zoro: Nami, you don't even know this guy! How can you say you've loved him your entire life?!
Nami: I'LL HAVE YOU KNOW I'VE LOVED- what's your name?
Arthur: Arthur-
Like so.
*If your characters know each other, they can take completely random and platonic events and spin them to be romantic. For example, say that one day Xanxus was hanging up his laundry outside to dry so it would smell sweet and fresh, and Colette came along and threw it on the ground and stamped on it. But lo- they fall in love! So then Xanxus would go, "Sweetheart sugar love buttercup you remember the day you threw all my laundry in the dirt?" And Colette would say, "Yes, but I did it because I wanted to see you naked." And then Xanxus would go, "My, but that is not proper dearest! Still, that's so cute. I love you." And they kiss.
...please note that the above was obviously not decent characterization. Obviously you should try and remain as IC as possible.
*Basically, go nuts with it. If you think it encroaches upon the godmoding/metagaming rule, ask permission from the other mun. That's it.
- THE DAY OF THE TWENTY-FOURTH, meaning from morning to evening (about 7 AM EST to 11 PM EST) the central courtyard with the fountain will be transformed into a cornucopia of ~love~! The ground will be neatly cobbled, there will be big, beautiful willow trees with white flowers all around the courtyard that occasionally burst forth a flurry of pristine petals into the wind. The fountain itself will be transformed to have two lovers embracing standing atop it, locked together romantically and staring deep into each other's lifeless eyes. It will also flow with a delicious liquid that tastes like grape juice to minors and fine sweet wine to adults; metal goblets will materialize along the edge for any to take, and if they do indeed decide to chance it, they'll find that for an hour after drinking the juice/wine they'll be unreasonably affectionate (platonically, romantically, however you wanna play it).
Adorable little birds will be nesting in the willow trees, cuddling with each other and chirping at any passersby just how much they love each other. A gold plate now adorns the fountain and on it is a heart with the word "Dragobete" inked in it with beautiful script. Peeking through the cobblestones are little snowdrop plants, which when picked and handed to someone else, give the receiver the desperate urge to kiss the gifter.
NO THIS EVENT IS NOT MANDATORY. You should probably specify somewhere in your post that your character is unaffected, and any resulting comments will, of course, not be affected.
And there you have it! Naturally, any questions may be asked here.