Sep 06, 2008 18:40


All right! For this last section, I'm going to be taking sign-ups for anyone who wants their character to participate. Here's a rundown of what's going to happen to your character, should he/she be selected:

1. They will vanish for an entire day. This means no posting or commenting for the day that this section of the event will take place. Backlogging is allowed, and you of course are allowed to tag posts after your character comes back. Otherwise, radio silence, people.

2. During this day, your character will be transported back to their own canon world, left off immediately from where you took them. If within the ten people selected is one of your canonmates and they just so happen to be within the exact same time period, they of course will show up there with you; if they are not selected, then they will be missing.

3. While your character is back in his or her canon world, they will recall everything about Luceti. Also, upon return, they will recall everything they did in their canon world.

4. Any items, powers or wounds acquired during their trip will not come back with them to Luceti; they will be returned in exactly the same condition they left, only the event will be over, so the power cap will be on and the barrier will be up once again. More details on those two, however, will be addressed in the updated FAQ.

5. Whatever your character does while he or she is in his or her home world is up to you; they can die, be in the afterlife, have a baby, get a tattoo, I don't care. Just know that upon return to Luceti, the only things they bring back are the memories of that single day.

6. DO NOT make a post of what happened to your character in either the logs or your journal; if you want to explain, by all means make an OOC note in the entry upon his or her return but please put it behind an LJ cut if it's over five sentences long.

7. Feel free to make an entry noting your character's disappearance! They can be in mid-writing, mid-speaking; you can even bother another mun and ask if their character will be with them to report the sudden vanishings. Their journal and all their belongings -save their clothing- will remain behind upon leaving.

Any questions? Ask them here! Sign ups will be open until Monday at 12:01 AM, and the disappearance -dubbed The Rapture- will be held on Tuesday, September 9th, from 12:01 AM-11:59 PM. Only ten characters will be selected, so once sign-ups close I'll be either rolling dice or picking the names out of a hat to decide which characters will be chosen. The selection is random, so if you don't get picked I'm very sorry. Once the characters have been selected, I'll drop you a line to let you know that your character is getting Raptured. Thanks for playing, everyone!

Please use the following format to sign up (YOU MAY SIGN UP AS MANY OF YOUR CHARACTERS AS YOU LIKE):

Character Name:
Mun Name:
Preferred Method of Contact: (e-mail, AIM, MSN, whichever of the three is most reliable for you to check, list them here; you will receive your notice sometime before two PM on Monday, so keep this in mind. If I am unable to reach you before 11 PM on Monday, I will have to select somebody else.)

Yuffie Kisaragi
Haine Rammsteiner
Ichigo Kurosaki
Shirley Fennes
Tarei Kamiya
Anise Tatlin
Daisya Barry
Hijiri Minase
Richter Abend
Misa Amane
Usagi Tsukino


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