
Jul 22, 2008 17:31

Who: Future!Simon (dawndigger), Future!Sephiroth (bene-elohim), Cloud Strife (am-i-a-hero), Zack Fair (wingenvy). Later: Tifa Lockhart (7thheavensmile) and Denzel Strife (midgetedger).
What: It is tiem to fite, eh. And die and stuff. Character death, be ye warned.
When: At the beginning of the timeskip event, Tier 1.
Where: Between houses 29 and 50, and then house 50.
Summary: Seph goes batshit, attacks Zack ( Read more... )

[gurren lagann] simon, [ff: vii] tifa lockhart, [ff: vii] denzel, [ff: vii] sephiroth, [ff: vii] cloud strife, [ff: vii] zack fair

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Comments 16

7thheavensmile July 24 2008, 03:52:42 UTC
Tifa was not a stupid woman by any stretch of the imagination. She had heard Cloud's pounding footsteps as he had run out the door, letting it slam behind him. She had watched as he ran by the window, First Tsurugi in his hand as he went. Tifa had considered following him, but she had no idea where he was going or why. So in an attempt to get a clue, she had picked up her journal and started flipping through pages. An entry from Zack caught her eye, and it didn't take her long to hack it ( ... )


herobydefault July 24 2008, 04:03:44 UTC
Cloud had only been faintly aware of Simon moving his side; he was dozing, and feeling the world around slip away just a bit, as if he were falling asleep. He wasn't stupid; he knew what was happening, but...

Well, the idea wasn't as scary as it had been a few months ago.

Faintly aware of the shifting presence beside him and the smell of well-oiled leather, whiskey and the underlying scent of women's floral soaps, Cloud knew that Tifa had come. Immediately a stone of guilt dropped down into his gut when he realized he'd left without so much as a word to her, and when her calloused fingers touched his face and stroked his hair, he made the effort to turn his head and blink up at her. "Sorry..." he offered in a whisper, and shifted his arm. His muscles wouldn't obey; he didn't have the strength to lift his hand to cover hers, but he knew she would be able to tell just by looking at him. She could always do that; read him like an open book, even when nobody else could.


7thheavensmile July 24 2008, 04:10:33 UTC
"Don't be..." she whispered in return, turning her hand over and gently brushing her knuckles over his skin. He was so pale and also, from the very weak movement of his muscles, struggling to move. It was painful for her to see, but she continued her soothing action, knowing that Cloud would be reassuring her if he could. Four a moment she chewed lightly on her bottom lip, wondering what else to say, but nothing came.

Eventually she opened her mouth and said, "Cloud... I..." but she didn't know where to go from there. What was she supposed to tell him here and now? What could she say that wouldn't sound silly or painful? Her voice cracked and she lowered her head, trying to hide the glistening in her eyes.


herobydefault July 24 2008, 04:23:50 UTC
"Tifa..." Holy, he hated seeing her like this. He knew he did stupid and reckless things all for the sake of his own ego, and that they made her worry like nothing else. When would he stop thinking about himself and think of her first?

He was such a child.

Furrowing his brow in frustration and anger, Cloud dredged up the will to move his hand and set it on her arm, letting himself rest once he had a steady enough grip so that his fingers wouldn't slip off. His vision was blurry, but he could still make out her hair, the shape of her eyes. The way her shoulders sloped gracefully, the curve of her back. She was beautiful. "I love you," he murmured, almost automatically. Then he remembered that this wasn't the same Tifa from before; she had forgotten all that had happened here in Luceti, and he winced, closing his eyes so he wouldn't have to see her expression.


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